Feb 01, 2004 15:25
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out: ~sweet innocent smile~ Maybe once....or twice....OKAY a few times
2. Missed school because it was raining: Of course. I live in the south
3. Set a body part on fire for amusement: Does hair count on someone else?
5. Kept a secret from everyone: Course I have. I'm still keeping them.
6. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: I didn't but my brother had three.
7. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Once or twice.
8. Had a crush on a teacher: EEP!!!! ~hides thinking about how icky that is~
9. Ever thought an animated character was hot? Well....just that one.....but he is!!!! Have't you ever seen Sesshomaru?!?!?!
10. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? THANK GOD I can say I never had a thing for New Kids on the Block!!!!
Shampoo: Green Tea Tree Shampoo
Favourite colour: black
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: Fall
Lace or satin: Satin
Fave Cartoon Characters: Didn't I just go over this?
Fave Food: Sushi
Fave Advertisement: Like I watch TV
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: Tank top
Eating: nothing but I'm thinking about going out for pizza
Drinking: In a minute I'll be drinking Dr. Pepper,
Thinking about: The Stupid reseacrch paper I have to write on Susan Smith (yeah the woman that murdered her children. it makes me sad.)
Listening to: Poe
Cried:Ummm....I'm not crying right now....
Met someone new: I met Jacqui a about a month ago. ~grins~
Drove a car: I drove about 5 hours ago whne I came home from work.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN ------------------
Yourself: Yes.
Your friends: Some of them.
Santa Claus: We don't get presents from Santa. We get them from Daddy. he says "Damned if I'm going to let some other freak get credit for the good stuff."
Tooth Fairy: MEMA!!
Destiny/Fate: I do but not in the way you are going to think I do. I am not going to explain it. I already have one paper to write.
Angels, spirits, afterlife: maybe, yes, yes
Ghosts: yes
Devil: maybe
God: maybe
Are you currently in a relationship: Yeah the kuckle head is sitting beside me.
Who have you known the longest of your friends: Krystle
Who is the loudest: OMG!!! If I answer that I'll be in so much trouble.
Who could you count on for a last-minute road trip?~LMAO~ Melissa
Who do you cry to: I don't cry.
Worst Feelings: Are ushed to the very back o my mind so I don't feel it anymore