Sep 07, 2012 01:15
I want to give the creators of Community the benefit of the doubt, but "Virtual Systems Analysis" is only more offensive the more times you watch it. I want to believe that the people who took over from the original creator were the ones at fault for creating a "very special episode" about Abed and talk about how he has no empathy and doesn't think about other people, which is complete bullshit if you have watched the character over the seasons.
Just because Baron Cohen said it, doesn't make it true. You don't have to make Abed "more autistic"; he was fine the way he was, and he was capable of thinking about other people, often more than the other bent, self-absorbed rejects in his group. And no, Annie can't "fix" him just by telling him to "have empathy." Fuck you, Community, whoever was behind that.
Okay, I'm going to bed now, because I have to teach in the morning and I spent the whole day catching up on marking.
i'm a motherfuckin aspie,