Nov 06, 2011 10:02

In case anyone's forgotten, water333 is a 'commenter' who trolls around Clex fiction, bashing you for not being mean enough to Lana, missing the point of the story entirely, and generally being an asshole. Zhe decided last night that my fiction in particular was worth another bash, since zhe's already bashed The Poison of Green ONCE and been banned from my journal, zhe went over to Dreamwidth to bash No One Noticed the Cat, too. And zhe couldn't get another word in on The Poison of Green, so zhe sent me a comment.

A confusing and horrible story overall..I really didn't TAKE the fact that ALL the members of the JL killed LEX off just becuz they didn't KNOW something and SOME were too arrogant(oliver,GL etc)too see reason or even believe Lex..SHAME on that world and CLARK! I don't care if it's other realities, the fact, that, the GOOD GUYS just killed Lex off like that is just so wrong!!

Has to be one of thy worst stories ever.. It's also very messy, story-wise..I mean, it jumps all over the place without readers really know which reality is which and most times, what's going on and so on..

Just bad overall.

The only story that I really, really loved from you is "Watermelon"..It's how I know of you..It's so adorable but this ONE left much too be desired. Urgh.

Someone doesn't really understand the concept of the multiverse. Or that ONE person killed Lex in that universe, not the whole JL. The others just didn't trust him. And I'l grant that No One Noticed the Cat is a challenge to read, but I think most readers recognized (or the ones who commented, and the others just stopped reading, which is fine) that their disorientation was part of the process and after a little bit you get the hang of it and enjoy the ride.

Umm..Since I could "REPLY" to your comment in LJ..I meant as well do it here! Well, anal doesn't have any powers UNLESS YOU count all the meta trying to kill the B*TCH..As for Lex's meta powers..Yes, he heals fast and is intelligent but that doesn't EQUATE to powers, just being smart! How lame are you to the baby girl powers when it's in REALITY, HUMAN DNA and meta, which equals healing, that's about it and YOU KNOW IT!

As for you last comment..What about the b*tch's death..She died, big surprise there!

My actual reply, which I would have sent to hir if zhe had not 'chosen not to receive messages':
Granted, this is fiction, and there is no "reality"...

Granted, many other authors have attributed powers to both Lana and Lex that are not made explicit in the show… It is called fanFICTION for a reason...

Granted, you have the cognitive powers of a gnat and have constantly been unable to follow my stories, even on the literal level of what happens, and I do require a little brainpower on my readers' part when I am doing more than a half-assed drabble….

Maybe you should just stop fucking reading them, and write your own goddamn fiction.

You can't reply for a REASON. Drop your entitlement or find another fandom.

Also, just use the fucking swear words. We're grown ups and I don't need little stars to hide the naughty. I write porn, for fuck's sake.

Do I miss SV fandom…? I miss talking to the friends I made sometimes. I do not miss the mass entitlement from different WARRING factions. There is so much Clex fiction to be had that doesn't even mention Lana, and I'm sure plenty that isn't experimental in any way. Why can't you just move on and read that?

interbrats, being mean, fandom

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