I haven't been posting much because I've been a cranky pants. I don't like my grandmother's house much, and I don't get to see my sister during the holidays since my parents moved b/c I have limited funding (srsly) and depend on the parents to buy me a ticket just to see THEM. My sis would have to transport her entire brood (one hub, three kids and one on the way) and that's just exhausting. So.
Secondary cranky-making is the process of writing and revising this paper for the schools I'm applying to, which I had huge writer's block on this week. I couldn't visualize how the paragraphs would be laid out in the final section (which is weird, I guess, I don't think ppl usually visualize their papers the way I do), but it is coming together NOW (I just did NOTHING on it yesterday due to the bullshit in the next paragraph). I'll come back here whining if I get reports back saying the whole paper doesn't make sense together. This is my biggest worry.
I've also been having -TMI WARNING BAIL OUT NOW- super cramps for no reason since the Thursday before I flew (I think), and they were the worst on Xmas day. I had to break out my prescription pain pills and tell my ovaries to stop hating me.
I usually post a swag list, but we didn't do presents this year. Of course my sister and I decided to cheat and go in on a digital media player for mom and dad. She got me a Netflicks subscription, and grandma gave me $100 (which is pretty useful for me right now). Also, my flisties are awesome and have given me lovely fluffies on my userinfo. ^__^
On Wednesday my catsitter/pretty lovely awesome friend let me know that the blinds in my front room had fallen down due to the setting up top breaking, which allows my loud and suspicious neighbors to look into my house and see that I'm not there. I called the landlords and had them deal with it. I can imagine that made my cats, who are already cranky from me not being there, more cranky than ever. I'm sure Yume will give me a good hiss when I get back, before settling herself in my lap to steal warmth.
I did get to talk to my sister on the phone yesterday, though, and that made me cheerful though most of the day despite the feeling that someone had impaled my pelvis out of spite, and the subsequent woozy/dizzy feeling of the pills. We didn't eat until late, and then my mother forced The Halfblood Prince on me because she wants to see the new movie. I think HBP is the most well done of the HP movies so far. Also, dinner was good (if devote of actual vegetables because my mom isn't sure what that entails, I guess).
(I still wish they'd cast Remus better, and actually brought out the awesomeness of his character. :P But we didn't have to deal with the Remus/Tonks drama, and they were just together, so I'm grateful for that. I have nothing against Tonks even if she breaks up the Snupin canonically, because Remus deserves pure awesome, but when you have to de-awesome both characters to get them together, that's not worth my time.)
So that's my Xmas report. Got to hang out with the Dad and will do so when I can. Have studied some for the GRE so far, completed some of my paper and am working on the conclusion. Warded off my mother's well intentioned but annoying comments about my weight. Wrote some Klaine fanfiction (and have one Xmas fic that I might try to post soon), and got my Clexmas up with no stress and managed, somehow, not to sign myself up for more stress. Everything is totally doable before the 15th. I'll be flying back Wednesday morn.