Slash fan filk. To the obvious tune.
The internet is really really great (FOR PORN)
I watch Smallville, and Clark is so not straight (DAMN STRAIGHT!)
There's always some new fic (OF PORN)
Or dirty wrong manip (OF PORN)
It's like I'm wanking at the speed of light (TO POOOORN!)
The internet is for porn
Lovely slashy porn
All you fans
Must understand
Clark's gay gay gay
I'm glad we have this new technology (FOR PORN)
That exposes Lex's pan-sex-u-al-ity (IN PORN)
Right from your own desktop
I can thread, IM, and plot
Until I'm sore and I'm ready to stop!
The internet is for porn
Plot bunnies are born
Clark's up all night honking Lex's horn
Ready normal people?
The internet is for porn (sorry mom)
Subtext exploiting porn (but it's tom!)
All these girls unfurl their pearls*
For slash slash slash
*of slash, I needed a rhyme
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