What I'm Listening To:

May 28, 2010 12:05

Two Whole Cakes Fatcast

I was seriously about to just load the old episodes up and listen to them while I cleaned my bathroom, but I am filled with glee that a new one popped up on iTunes. This is a podcast about body politics, plus sized women finding clothes, class issues inherent in that, flying while fat, goth culture and its size acceptance, and all kinds of wonderful things. Even better, Leslie and Marianne (of Fatshionista and The Rotund) are genuinely smart and funny, and I enjoy listening to them whether on a plane or pounding the pavement during walk time. It's like getting in on the conversation without having to bother to sit down and read, or buy a book (because the podcasts are free on iTunes).

I highly recommend. Actually, I hope some of the diverse Fatosphere bloggers join suit and do their own blogs, so we can have many big fat voices out there, talking about all the stuff that matters to them.

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