Apr 01, 2010 21:26

It's been a week since I posted. :P Back again.

Ohh, people are gonna be in arms over that last scene!!

A lot of surprises in this episode. I'm glad that they used this ep to expand on the backstory and move the story along. We got nice goodies such as surprise!Ash (where's Ellen and Jo??) and surprise!Pamela (hey, we got a Deansmooch!), Mommy moments with Mary (cute, and origin of pie!Love), Cas in the freaken radio/tv (media Cas is watching you), wicked evil skeezy smugass Zachariah, Joshua (cool guy, might he be God? Jesus?), and deadbeat dad!God.

Epically epic amulet. But God ain't havin' it. Sassy ass God. Possibly playing skeeball. But he DID put them on a plane and save Cas!!! I don't think anyone will recognize this reference, but in Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Johnny meets God, who is this cute little lump in a chair snoozing. His chair says, "Layzee-God," and he won't help Johnny with anything, because he created the universe, and now he's a little tired.

I love the sheer number of times we get wee!Sam just for the fact that they got a good actor for him to begin with and were able to keep him. I love to see Dean smiling so happily. Too bad it doesn't last.

Hee! Go Sam and the road to Hell quote. I wish I could remember it, but it was pointed, and Dean assuringly reminds Sam that he was mislead.

I'm sad that Sam doesn't think KFC Thanksgiving with his family is "real." That his happiest memories are being away from his family. That his best night ever is Dean's worst. I guess it's true that the people you love the most can hurt you the most. I understand that it's because John was a suffocating dick, but it's just really a painful contrast that Dean's best memories are Mom and Sam, and Sam's are being alone. I can see why Dean dropped the amulet in the trash (although my jaw was dropped for a full minute). He's just reached his limit and Sam's words at the end just didn't seem to be reaching him.

Sam better have grabbed that thing and kept it, determined to strangle God into helping his brother…

But, "I never realized how long you've been cleaning up Dad's messes." Nice validation there. I think this episode was more for Sam's benefit than Dean's. Dean is in the same place (aside for once again fighting for Sam'n'Dean and cleaning up "Dad's messes" aka LayzeeGod), and Sam hopefully can see how his fight for independence looks to Dean.

As far as their reconciliation goes, it seems like they're in a holding pattern. Sam wants everything to be fine in the beginning, but Dean isn't ready to forgive him. When Dean forgives him, they move closer together back toward 'codependency." Now Dean's ready to fight for Sam'n'Dean again, and Sam's still remembering fondly how awesome it is to be alone. So Dean pulls away. Wash rinse repeat.

I know not everyone is thrilled for season six (and I do not want to hear here if you aren't), but I think that if they're going to repair their relationship to something functional, it may be happening over the course of next year. What it looks like, hopefully, is that they're building up toward the end now and creating momentum. More people are picking sides and shit is getting real. And that's good an all, but less room for moving the boys towards a healthier relationship in a real and meaningful way.

I dunno. Speccing. Thinky thoughts. I thought that Dean would be getting the necklace back, and he tossed it. Shrug. It would have been a good time now to start fixing, but I guess they need tension, or something. I want to see some real determination on Sam's part to take part in cleaning up LayzeeGod's mess with Dean. Ideally, for the arch of the season, it would be BEST if the key to winning was Sam and Dean loving and trusting each other. (Plus Cas)

ETA: Oh, and given that last week's episode belonged earlier in the season, if it had been sooner after Death got out and not where it was, not only would that episode make more sense in itself, this episode would have come right after the Famine ep, and the connection between empty!Dean and the reopening of the wounds with Sam having to detox AGAIN… Yeah, if they don't put them in the right order on the dvds, I'm watching them that way anyway.


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