For Lex Luthor, and anyone else who needs more cats in their lives.
Yume is too cool for you.
Gosh, I'm gorgeous!
I'm really amazed I got a picture this good where she's not blinking or looking evil.
Behold, the Cattop!
Yume is addicted to the internets!
Hullo. This is a box. I is a Yume.
I bought this mat, and I swear, it's the best $13 bucks I ever spent. When I first put it down, Yume kept rolling and rubbing on it like she was on crack.
Aaand, Miss Kitty poses.
I iz cupboard cat. *peekz*
On a rug.
Miss Kitty decides that I'm spending too much time paying attention to the computer. *snugglz*
Okay, so there was this jester hat at the store...
Yume did not like it.
Miss Kitty is next.
But she doesn't seem to mind too much.
In fact, she's pretty chill about it!