
Jul 14, 2009 04:24

Rewatching Buffy from season two. My first disk of season one is missing. :(

Everyone is so cute and young. Willow's hats are adorable.

I've never liked Buffy much and the first part of this season highlights my problems with her. The whininess, flakiness, the baby voice (excused here because she's 16), and the rampant classism (some of which is relieved as her character matures, thankfully). At least later I get to see her embrace being a hero more, and she sheds the Buffy/Angel drama. You have to love her for calling Angel on his stalkery ways, though.

No offense of my DB loving friends, but Boreanaz must have learned to act once he was off this show. I never really liked him on BtVS, but what I've seen of AtS, he's better, and he's a lot better in Bones. He just cracks me up. Broody McVampirepants. Although he manages Angelus well... maybe comedy was his forte early and he honed his other skills as he went.

Spike and Aurelian plotting improved this show a lot in S2. Granted, 2 isn't one of my fav seasons. Some of the old eps though, are great. The introduction of Spike and Drusilla was just PERFECT, and Spike and Dru are fabulous overall. I swear, every scene they're in is lolworthy. Some eps are useless (vampire cowboys and monsters under the school using their babies control everyone), but a throwaway ep like "Ted" at least has a parallel to the new stepdad abusing his stepdaughter, and no one believes her. School Hard, Halloween, What's My Line, Innocence. and Band Candy, all lovely episodes.

I know people were ENRAGED that they implied the Men Turn Evil After Sex, but... there are men who do that, and I don't think it implies that all men are evil or that Angel's "one moment of pure happiness" = orgasm, since clearly it was the sex + all that lovey stuff with Buffy that had the gypsies worried before that even happened.

I also love the MAD continuity in this entire series. I wish they'd done more for Ethan, though. He was a great occasional character. So was Kendra, and I would have liked to have seen more of her before she had to die. I think I like Cordy more than is healthy. She's the proto-Anya. Only she has really no excuse for being so blunt, whereas Anya gets off for awhile because she was a demon for 1000 years. Cordy and Willow bitching together about Xander being stupid is massively adorable.

Werewolves are done SO badly in BtVS. They look like gorilla-dogs.

television, james marsters stolen panties

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