You knew it had to happen sometime! This was kind of hard since I only have two episodes with Kara on my harddrive (Stride and Bloodline), so I ended up using the credits, the previouslies, and one of my manips to help me out! I do like it, though, and I hope you like it too :D
Find more videos like this on Smallville Tube God Says Nothing Back
(song by The Wallflowers)
Pairing: Chlara
Other characters: Clark and Lex
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Chloe and Kara are in love, but one night Chloe is kidnapped by men who want to know more about the Supergirl, and so Kara must find her before it's too late. <3
Other Vids:
Sweet Tangerine Jois, Lexis, Clex
Chloiac: Still Alive! Chloe Sullivan, implied Chlex/Lexiac
A Better Version of Me Jois