Make it work. Life will throw you curveballs; in fact, it's gonna suck. People are going to die, your plans will be derailed by the craziest shit, and things generally fall apart. But in the end, you still have to keep going. So figure out what's good for YOU, not what people think is the best way to do things, or what you think other people want, and make it work.
Fantastic! Words to live by indeed!
Ah, crap, I knew I'd forgotten something! Your MASTERS, OMG! I'm totally gonna edit my post, just watch!
Thanks for being here, babe, and being YOU. You're just absolutely the best!
Comments 1
Fantastic! Words to live by indeed!
Ah, crap, I knew I'd forgotten something! Your MASTERS, OMG! I'm totally gonna edit my post, just watch!
Thanks for being here, babe, and being YOU. You're just absolutely the best!
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