Already this episode is more interesting than the previous one.
The episode opens with the alien bounty hunter who was trapped in our dimension is sitting a tree eating potato salad. Ranger comes up to look for her (because wow, people living in trees are dangerous). Then she goes invisible and barfs/drops the potato salad on him. The ranger EATS A PART OF HER BARF! o.O Mr. McFloatypants comes up to a man in a prison cell who his seething, taunts him, and suggests that he's going to be hunting. That Park Ranger has no luck because he comes in contact with the hunter McFloatypants sent after Flash.
McFloatypants: I fear it will ENBOLDEN THEM.
Ming: I fear not enboldening the terrorists!
Eric Johnson has incredible eyes. I never noticed with Whitney, because he was such a jock tool. The bit with Flash living with his mom is just adorable. When he tells Baylin she can only stay until his mom gets back? Lol. He sounds so aware of how lame that sounds. And she's an alien and would have no idea. Additionally, for now, Flash is holding his own with the rest of the cast. There are three strong women on this show, and he still manages to use his brain and help with the situation, so I'm liking Flash. He's his own comic relief, and it's pretty sweet.
Dale's makeup makes her look less like a ghoul. Gina is REALLY skinny. I'm thankful there have been fewer moments of forced LOL CR Flash/Dale!!! Them trying to get out of the ropes, kinda funny. Why does Dale have to be hostile with every other female on the show? She has a FIANCE. I could live without this type of plot, or at least, it would be nice if they toned it down so she won't look like her heart is cheating. What business of hers is it if her old high school boyfriend is interested in a hot chick? Break it off or leave him alone.
Baylin: Like her! She's strong and flip and won't put up her boyfriend's "you are mine" bullshit. I wonder what the hell is wrong with him, because the other Verton don't seem to act that way. And I love her a little for stepping forward to save Dale. :)
Aura: I like her, too. Her performance int he pilot was stiff, but Aura is sharp and able to match wits with her father. I can see where she has the heart that makes her different from him, for now. I think it's sad, knowing that her father actually probably doesn't love her, when she seems to care for him and also respect him very much. Her comments in the pilot show her to be a savvy woman in politcs, but she also sees her father as a tyrant.
Ming: Seems more menacing in this ep, though he's not that smart. I mean, I could tell what he was going to do with the man up for execution, and then he tells Aura she's a tyrant because her compassion would end up killing millions. Um. That no sense make, Ming. He could be a magnificent bastard though! But he need work.
The housemates and I went out for dinner tonight. We began the evening by dressing up, all of us in skirts/dresses and looking prissy, and went to the comic book store to flip out the comic book guy. He was there, and he almost immediately came over to us. He was trying to talk comics with Sam, which is amusing because she's likely the most comic savvy of all four of us. Eventually, we drifted over to the trades, and I summarily ignored him. I was going to get one of the Teen Titans trades, but then Batman caught my attention... but I ended up buying Birthright. I'm hoping it's good.
I think we'll be going there more regularly to make him realize girls like comics. :P
Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Great girlie time had by all.