Aug 16, 2007 15:16
In Season Four, wasn't Spell the episode in which Lana via Isobel sentenced Lex to death by piano playing (a torture for someone who clearly doesn't like to practice), and then when he goes to see her later, no only doesn't apologize, but scolds him for telling on Jason for dating a student?
Actually, I wonder at their respective intelligences, if Lana or Jason ACTUALLY thought that would be a good idea. Maybe they just thought it was hot.
Then in Bound, isn't that the one where Genevieve calls Lana beautiful twice in one scene? Genevieve is a mound of creepy. She show interest in Lex, Jason, Lionel, and Lana. o.O
Actually, I'm more interested in the first ep, since I don't think Lana interacts with Lex in Bound. She's too wrapped up in her own dilema of sexxorz having a bad dream about French Chinese witches to notice that her 'friend' is being accused of murder. As for Jason, since I haven't seen the first couple of eps of S4, do Lex and Jason ever have much interaction? I feel like they should have known each other, being the sons of some of the riches people on the planet, but I don't know.
Yes, this is for fic.