Dec 31, 2006 10:11
I'm heading out in... a bit to go out with my parents and sister, whereupon we shall movie and food and then the parents shall leave and my sis and I shall shop. Later tonight we're going out to see a band. So long as I don't have to be the DD.
I'm not going to make a list of resolutions, because I never keep them. I'm the same person now that I was last year, only fatter and wiser and richer in gay porn. :D
I have a new laptop. I realize I haven't done a Giftmas Gets list, and maybe I'll do that before going home. I type to you from my new lappy Lena (I KNOW I'm a dork. Shuddap.), which my parents (shouldn't have) got me for xmas/impending graduation. Wowsers. I love it though. Helps me work, be prolific instead of up and down. *sigh* They are too much sometimes.
So I hope you all get deliriously drunk or sit in front of the teevee with your friends and have a squeeblerific New Year.