Fact: I've decided to wait till next year to go to New York.
Fact 2: I'm working at a haunted house this year for Halloween.
Fact 3: We were asked to come up with our own costumes.
Fact 4: I'm obsessive with theatrical makeup.
Fact 5: I'm into irony. Bigtime.
Fact 6: Everyone asked how I did Josh's Two-face makeup that time, so I'm preempting that with a tutorial.
Fact 7: I KNOW I got "left" and "right" mixed up some in the tutorial--I was going by MY left or right, now what the picture shows. My bad.)
Items used in final product, in no particular order:
http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/injury-makeup-stack/http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/ht-evil-clown-teeth/Instant Scab (couldn't find it on the site)
Scar putty (see above)
http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/carnival-makeup-kit/http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/last-laugh-evil-clown-childs-costume/ MINUS the god-awful mask.
http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/rockstar-80s-fun-girl-wig/ Image 1: "Before"
Make sure to clean your face really, really well beforehand. See how my face is all red? Thats cuz I didn't do that before I put the makeup on the first time. (Total of 3 heavy makeup applications today. Woo.) (And yes, I got my hair cut. And new glasses.)
Image 2: Scar putty
You can't see it, sadly, but I have two "scar buildups", one on my right cheek and one on the left of my forehead. Those will be used as the base of scars later. Also notice the wigcap (keeps my hair out of the way) and the fact I'm now wearing the costume shirt (so I don't have to pull it on over the makeup)
Image 3: Scabs/wounds
Using the amazing instant-scab (its this red gel stuff that can do burns/scabs/open wounds) I did a few big wounds--right jawbone area, left cheek, right cheek. there will be two more soon, but first.
Images 3 and 4: Clownify!
The traditional clownie stuff--the eyes and white greasepaint. I chose yellow because it matched the costume and blue because the purple said not to get it near your eyes. Yes, there are two traditional clown things still missing; the nose and the smile. They're coming--its just easier to do them AFTER the white greasepaint.
Image 5: More scabs and a nose
I blame Josh for the idea to make the red nose a huge wound. That and the other forehead scar were done after the white because smaller wounds are easier to do over the white (the large ones will just blend with it). I also blended the edges of the large scar on my left cheek.
Image 6: Smile!!
Traditional red clown smile with traditional red lipstick from my normal makeup. Nothing special. Make sure to actually grin while you do the extended lines to you see where they need to go.
Image 7-9: Reference shots
Reference pics of the various wounds. Slightly out of order but whatever.
Image 10: Final Product
With the wig and teeth. Ain't it great???
Additional pics:
Final costume:
First few tries, including the original wig and "Two-Face clown":