Title: Just A Kiss
Author: Lady Dragonphire
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: FAKE and its characters are the property of Sanami Matoh.
Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Notes: Inspiration has struck again. Written 7/21/06. Thanks for reading!
“It’s just a kiss,” Dee murmured, silencing Ryo’s protest with his lips as he covered his partner’s body with his.
‘It’s never just a kiss with him. It’s so much more,’ Ryo thought, looking up at Dee with his deep chocolate eyes, tinged with worry and uncertainty.
‘God, what I wouldn’t do to make him mine forever.’ Dee sighed, reluctantly breaking the contact between their lips.
He looked down at Ryo, smiling ruefully in resignation as he ran a hand through his ebony hair, moving away.
“Wait,” Ryo whispered decisively, reaching up as he brought Dee’s lips down to meet his once again.