Title: “Caught”
Author: Lady Dragonphire
Word Count: 100
Rating: R to be safe
Disclaimer: FAKE and its characters are the property of Sanami Matoh.
Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Notes: The shoe is on the other foot in this one. Set anywhere in the manga that you prefer; use your imagination for the possible scenarios that this could lead to ^_^.
Dee was naked. And wet. The muscles of his body were etched with beaded droplets of water that traced intriguing paths down the glistening skin where Ryo’s tongue longed to go.
Ryo’s dark eyes widened as Dee turned around. The intensity of Dee’s emerald eyes ignited an echoing fire within him. Their lips came together in a passionate kiss.
“Ryo… Ryo?”
“Sorry, Dee,” Ryo replied, a heated blush creeping over his fair cheeks.
“You always accuse me of drifting off at work,” Dee smiled and winked knowingly. “Tonight.”
“Tonight… tell me what you were thinking about.”