Feb 09, 2007 14:44
so i cannot believe that i actually believed him when he told me he wasn't seeing anyone what the fuck is wrong with me...i mean i knew it i fucking knew it!!!! he's seeing someone else and he lied to me about it and then he just comes out with it! what the fuck! are you serious! there was no denying it at all.....you know its not even that i'm mad at him i don't really seem to care i hate that i got played...or am i mad at him i don't fucking know ....i don't know what the fuck i think i don't know what the fuck to do nothing i have nothing i don't know anything anymore what the hell is going on why did i let this happen to me why i don't get why do i let him do this to me i don't know what is wrong with me....i hate feeling like this why can he do this to me...its not fair i know for a fact that he doesn't feel like his for me