Normally I like to pass birthdays by like any other day. Maybe use it as an excuse to read a good book or watch a movie instead of work. Maybe go out to eat for dinner. I also don't really enjoy emphasizing my birthday because my age only reminds me that I've had such a late start in life. JUST now graduated from school and still no hope of moving out, being independently wealthy, and being generally a burden on the family until my life gets sorted out.
But today's birthday was really special. I received so many comments and messages from folks online with birthday wishes. I now folks might not think it means much since you're not actually telling a person yourself, but it really means alot to me. I feel so disconnected at this point in my life. I don't go out much thanks to killer work schedule and hardly get the time to hang with the dear friends I miss. I always feel like an irresponsible or bad friend because I cannot hang with people who are always inviting me out...nor do I keep in touch as well as I should. Thanks so much for letting me know that I'm not forgotten and taking the time even to do something so simple as type a little post meant for me. I can only hope to chill with you guys in person sometime soon and let you know how much such little mundane things mean to me.
And, just to plug a wonderful talented lady and dear friend, I also received the following
bday gift art from Sam Hogg. I can't stop staring at it. It's just so awesome in every way, from detail to how well it fits the character. My boyfriend also surprised me with a drumroll list of a new computer with dual core processor and lots of sexy terrabytes of hd space! I can't wait to check it out next week. He also pre-ordered Assassin's Creed 2 for me...which was sad since I don't have a PS3 and was just going to borrow his. Hayley and her husband also surprised me with a gracious little donation to fuel my goal of playing Aion at some point.
But then my mom decided randomly to get a Playstation 3 as a combination Christmas and birthday present too! Our family has finally ventured into Blu Ray territory where everything is shiny and new.
As a random plus for today, my $25 gift card from Amazon for my rewards points arrived in the mail, which will probably go towards Christmas pressies for folks. I also had a great find at Hobby Lobby where I got a leathermaking kit that was on sale (I am one who gets uncommon glee from discovering good bargains) so now I have sponges, a leather sewing needle, a mallet, three stamps, two bottles of dye, and tons of awesome leather accessories just waiting for my designs! With a 40% off coupon, that was only $14.97 for all that! I can't wait to get started with more mask making with these new tools. The leather wallets and other goodies are also going to be great Christmas presents for my family and friends.
I'm so inspired by today. I just thought I had to share something new and positive after so many sad journals. Thank you all for making today special and I hope you will spread the love in your own lives!