Sisyphus Complex

Feb 25, 2007 03:04

Because I'm a lazy ho, this journal has been cross-posted from DA, so no need to re-read, you DA-frequenters. feels like I haven't updated this place in an eternity! I'm alive and well, but feel a bit like Sisyphus at the moment...I keep rolling that big boulder up a hill and just never quite reaching the top. I've been so overburdened with projects that I really feel out of touch with everyone, particularly friends and loved ones. Once this phase in my life is over, though, I'm sure everyone will be seeing alot more of me. Things are soon to matter how scary or exciting those changes may be.

Here's a glimpse into what's kept me distracted of late:

* The Eclectic Magazine. Took a job as the art editor for the school literary and art magazine called the Eclectic. Hiring me late in the semester means I've had to completely redo their previous editors practices, gather entries, process them, write articles, work PR, and sell popcorn on the block with a dancing monkey to get people to turn in entries. (many thanks to my gal :devgirlanime: for making a fantastic flyer for us)

* Rapunzel Series. Working on an illustrated dark retelling of Rapunzel for my independent study course. I'm really enjoying this project and the study of Grimm's Brothers tales, which brought me so much inspiration and enjoyment as a child. When I read their stories, I can still feel the magic I felt then in them back when my family lived in Hanau. I don't expect the Grimm's inspired illustrations to stop with Rapunzel once I'm done with this series. The Maiden With No Hands has piqued my inspiration as well, but one thing at a time *chides self*.

Also, I've started a Stock Challenge with a Rapunzel theme over at ladydove7-stock:. Go check it out for some great Rapunzel stock!

* The Blacksent Project. Listen...The Night is here...and it's a party time! I've been commissioned by aspiring author Michael A LaFlamme to design a website and complete 7 character portraits for his marvelous fantasy series, Blacksent. The best are yet to come with Michael's project! Go check out the website design I've built in action at

* Graduation??! WTF? oh yeah and I'm GRADUATING college in Summer, so that means I have a senior art show to that will determine whether I graduate or not! I have an entire gallery to fill with artwork...and I only have 5 pieces I want to show thus far (out of a projected 30 needed to fill the space). In other words, time to get my ass in gear and produce something worthwhile that has a coherent theme.

* Graduate...School? OMFG! What? You thought I was DONE listing things to do? NEVER! With graduation comes Graduate school! I have just finished entering a portfolio of art, a 25 page research paper, resume, and artists statement to the graduate review council at SCAD Atlanta where I am trying to enter one of the few Arts Administration degree programs in existence here in the US. Cross your fingers, do the hoola, dance the sha cha, or whatever helps bring me luck. I'm definitely going to need it. Hmm then there's that little challenge after of finding a place to live in Atlanta, a job, and a way to pay for $24,000 a year.

* Dragon Con and other Cons? Dragon Con is just around the corner, along with AWA and Conduit. Sooo that means matting, framing, and doing the paperwork dance.

* ...somewhere in here, homework is supposed to get done...but we'll see about that....

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's enough to chew on for a good long while. I promise a grand return to DA with spiffy finished work and more involvement in the community once I've finished rolling that boulder up this particular hill. Unlike, Sisyphus, however, I know how to pay big strong men to help me push it.

I'm off to drool for a bit...and get back to work. Ciao!

...The Ang Was Here...

life babble

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