Jul 21, 2008 17:07
I would say the reason I'm not on much anymore is laziness, but I don't particularly agree with that. I'm just focusing my energy in other directions. Like reading (YAY!!!), going to the gym, spending time with hubby and family, you know all the stuff people used to do before the internet. :) And honestly not much has been happening. But I have wanted to post a few things on my small brain, so here I am.
I had actually a pretty good weekend. The cast party was a lot of fun. It was so nice to just sit back relax and hang out with everyone without having other "faire duties" to accomplish. Saturday night was eventful, but I'll explain that in a minute. Sunday was really relaxing. I spent most the day reading. It was supposed to be a day of accomplishment, but my MIL wanted to cook dinner for everyone, so we spent the afternoon and early evening at their house.
Now, here's a quick vent: I love my IL's. As far as IL's go they are pretty good. But so far this summer between my family and the IL's every weekend we had free has been taken over with family stuff. Starting to get a bit exhausting. I would really, really like just one weekend at home with my husband. I'm thinking that might be too much to ask.
Well the plan is to have the yard sale and do some redecorating this weekend. So, we are unavailable to family. We love them, we really do, but we really just need a weekend to ourselves. It's even more frustrating because our friends think we never want to spend time with them It's not that, it just the few precious hours we have alone together, we actually want to spend together. I feel so guilty saying no to people, because it's not like we don't want to spend time with them. We just have to have some time together too.
Ok, vent over
I've also decided that all proceeds from the yard sale will go to the new gown. I really need to get started on that before school starts again, and talking about fabrics and designs at the party inspired me. I'd really like to go green, but Julia was mentioning that there will be a lot of green next year, so we shall see what's approved.
Ok, now for the funny part. So, I decided for the lunch/dinner on Sunday with the IL's I'd make a batch of Ice Cream. I was off friday so I mixed the batter on Friday, let it chill, and Saturday night got the mixer out to stir and freeze it. I attached the freeze bowl to the mixer and poured the batter in. As soon an I started pouring I realized I had forgotten to put in the stirring thing (I'm sure it has a name, but I don't know what it is, that thing that actually stirs the ice cream.) I probably should have stopped there, but instead I poured the rest of the batter in the freeze bowl and let it sit as I go find the stirring thing. I put the stirring thing in the cream and notice that it has already started freezing to the sides (duh). "Oh well," I think, "I'm sure it'll scrape off". (In my defense, this was after a long day and I was tired). I set the mixer on stir, and it goes for about a split second before I hear a loud POP, and stops, at the same time exploding cream EVERYWHERE. I shut off the machine and stand there with ice cream dripping from my hair, staring at the mixer like I just blew it up when Chris comes is to see what happened, takes one look at the scene and falls on the floor laughing. In the end there was cream on the ceiling, all over the floor, all over me, the walls, the toaster and just about whatever else was in our kitchen. Thankfully I didn't kill my KA mixer. I was pretty upset at the time, but I knew I'd laugh later. And I did. Just had to share my little Ice Cream explosion with you. Oh I was able to save most of the batter and the Ice Cream came out great. :)
ice cream,