
Oct 12, 2009 11:41

So... life in wisconsin.. is an interesting world... i'm moving yet again.. hopefully this one will be a little longer lived then the current place. We have a dog now.. its my roomates dog... but she's a household concern. She's this adorable rat sized chiaua (sp?) She's afraid of my cat and growls at Smoke when she gets to close. Someday, she'll have to figure out how to handle being around a cat. The new house already has a dog and a cat. :-)

Work is plugging along. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to supplement my income. I started at the YMCA in Chippewa falls in September. I love teach and it's a lot of fun. Just a bit less money then i'm used to making for the work. Sounds like Stu found an asst manager for hobbs. That's really cool. Doesn't sound like they'll use me at all. I'll need to talk to chad about the Rinks more this week.

Life with chris is phenomenal. We have our moments like any couple does as they learn how to be independant yet interdependent. :-) We had a really nice trip to Milwaukee for the fall leadership convention. I hope to have a day in the next year to wander that city and explore all the fun buildings. There are so many building from a time when the outside of a building was designed with an artistic flair. I'll just have to bring a camera and have a lot of fun with it.

Faith has been an interesting topic in my life. This year though, I am finding myself returning to my catholic roots. Somewhere in side me, my faith has been restored. I find myself at peace when I'm at church or reading through scriptures. It's beyond excititng to have joy and happiness in my heart by simply knowing that my god loves me and is watching over me. Next year, I intend to participate in the RCIA classes. I decided to wait for a variety of reasons. Chris has begun the process of learning about Catholicsim and plans to fully join the faith. He's been attending masses with me and is taking the class at that parish. I decided that for him I would wait. I want him to have a place where he can go and explore and be free to speak his mind. I want this year and the entire process to be about him. :-)

Frequently, we have talked about when we have kids or "Our Wedding". We are still building the dream though. As soon as the dreams begin to become reality, I will share this news. I wait with baited breath just as you all do. The power to change the situation is somewhat in my hands. I will continue to do what I can to keep the dream alive. When the lord deems it time, I will be prepared and I will be ready.

I miss many things about life in Michigan. In many ways, I feel like a part of me is missing. I enjoyed so many special friendships and now. I barely get to see anyone. As time goes by, I hope to take several extended trips home. I just need the finances and the time away from work . If I have not contacted you over the past few months, please know it's not due to lack of interest in you and your life. Please know that I am struggling to find time by myself to read a book, to explore who I am in this new community, and simply put my thoughts in to words.

I miss everyone of you and wish all of you the best everyday.

I hope to heep you informed over the next several months as I begin to plan for the coming year.
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