
Sep 10, 2008 22:00

Sunday- Missed a friends bonfire but attended a rally / press conference for the Nader / Gonzalez campaign. I feel even more convicted about the choices I am making in my personal political convictions. I have long seen the government in need of change. I know that many people out there believe the same way, but are weighing out the pros and cons to determine the lesser of two evils. If both are evil, why not stand by one's convictions and vote for someone you personally can stand behind, without turning on them 3 years into their term of office. If enough of us stand up and encourage others to do the same, the herd will change direction and vote for the candidate they personally believe will best service our nation. This is going to be the only way for true political change to occur in our nation. I encourage every one of you to seek out a broader understanding of the presidential candidates this year and truly find one you can entrust your vote to. Think outside the box, seek to know and understand their platforms. Only an educated individual can truly determine the best candidate; who will serve the interest of a majority of U.S. Citizens, at home and abroad. Speak your mind with your ballot and open your heart to the freedom of taking a stand for a candidate you truly believe in. Thanks for dinner Rob and for sharing some of your Birthday weekend with me. :-)

Monday- A brand new episode of Gossip Girl was the highlight of my evening. :-) I'm silly i know. Something out the Jenny and her brother hits really close to home. I look forward to seeing how the situations unfold this year. Some of the plots were so outrageous that I don't know how they will ever top those story lines. yes it was mindless t.v. but well worth the hour of my time. Oh.. and chocolate temptations were given into. I can't seem to shake the horrible craving for chocolate I have had lately. Time to look deeper for the source of my emotional discomfort.

Tuesday- Secret Life of an American Teenager ... is and addicting show that deals with real teen issues. I'm not sure how it all worked into family friendly programming. It definitely did put some issues out on the for front for families to talk about and showed the consequences of many behaviors teens are displaying today. Hopefully it touched someone's life and helped them to make the right choices. I got my first check at the Hardware and my last check at the old job. Happy the checking account is back in the black. Figuring out how to live off what I really have to spend sucks. I was so far in the Red its like i got paid 2 dollars an hour for my last week at the old job.

Wednesday- A trying day at work of being torn between too many things to do. Got home to find we have a new I.S.P. A 6MB band width is amazing. I'm so excited. I can surf and explore in real time again. HOORAY!! Still trying to figure out why i need a chocolate injection intravenously. :-(

Job search- I am still actively seeking work. I'm having difficulty with applying to one job everyday. I just want to grow roots and become a vegetable when I get home from the hardware store.

Mona Vie- I have every reason to throw myself into over drive yet feel like I don't know why. I must not have the right reason for doing this yet.

Home- Life at the Carpet Ship is peaceful. Smoke is at a healthy weight finally. She seems content to be an indoor cat again. Sometimes she is the most stand offish woman in the world. Though at the most inconvenient time she'll come begging for all of my attention. She even greets me at the door when I get home. You'd think she was a dog. Wait... hold up... she must have picked up some quirks from being around a dog instead of other cats when she was a youngster.
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