Going in with really really low expectations has helped. I'm rather enjoying it, thus far. However I would appreciate it if I didn't have to handwave every other plot element. Make it every third or every fourth! Just for a change! Seriously. WHY DOES THE DOLLHOUSE EXIST???
I mean, yes, people are creepy and manipulative, and I absolutely buy that if the technology existed, someone would try to do that to a person. However, the "because I can" reasoning only works with individuals. "It will make me boatloads of money" is the only reason for it on a company level, especially when you factor in hazards like multiple mass murders. And I just don't buy that the dolls are worth their exorbitant (or exuberant, apparently) price tags. Especially when you figure the background check is there to weed out the serial killeresque control freaks who get off on the idea of complete control. Why bother? Get an actual hooker, midwife, body guard, hostage negotiator, etc etc. It'll be a hell of a lot cheaper, and no morerisky, since apparently things like asthma can't even be eliminated.
That being said, I already completely and totally adore both Sierra and Boyd, and Topher is irritating me rather less than I expected. (He started out worse than Andrew, but now I'd put him at maybe Warren. Still a creepy little geek, with possible darkness within, but at least I don't have to slap him for merely existing.) Put that together with my residual Faith-love, and the cast is really working for me. Now can the plots not suck please? OKAYTHNXBYE
Additional: I'm assuming that child was either the anti-christ, or an intended human sacrifice, thus the need for a million dollar midwife who remembers nothing of the event.
In other news, my job right now resembles the pig lizard from Galaxy Quest post digitization, which is why I've been somewhat MIA. I sense a big long ranty post on the subject in my near future.
Fandom March Madness is making me sad. HOW could Aeryn LOSE??? DOES NO ONE KNOW HOW AWESOME SHE IS??? Do I need to picspam??? Additionally, Blair Waldorf needs to kick Seth Cohen's whiny little ass.
FINALLY: I have a new layout! Grace helped me. Isn't it pretty???