Sep 11, 2008 10:31
Occasionally, because our show is so raw and different and in-your-face, we get hate mail. It is always hilarious, and since I adore confrontation, I'm always raring to respond in my own way. This morning, I awoke to this piece of love:
"Hello. I just found your show. Music is cool... BUT... I couldn't stand listening to the two of you. You sound like the typical Sirius or XM jocks cussing just because you can... saying stupid crap just because you can... making sexual remarks just because you can. Let me guess... you dress "goth" just because you can. Get with it guys.... just terrible. Check out to see how it's done right.
Jeff "
My reaction to that - and a little taste of my fire? *evil grin*
You are quite the amusing one. Thank you for making my morning!
I'll address your "issues" in order of unimportance:
1) You're absolutely right! We cuss and talk about "stupid crap" JUST BECAUSE IT IS A FREE WORLD AND GUESS WHAT, DUMBASS, WE CAN! Our bodies, our minds, our time... and get this (queue the sinister music, please): OUR FUCKING SHOW. If you don't like it, go out the way you came. No skin off our asses at all. Moron.
2) Dressing goth?!?! LMFAO! Dude, if you only knew. We dress like typical, everyday Joes - not belonging to any particular group or sect. *gasp* Imagine that! But, alas, you know us so well, dontcha? Idiot.
3) Tommy T is a GREAT guy! And he has a nice long show with killer music. So why are you coming around listening to our show if you've already found the "perfect show?" (Queue the sad, I-don't-know-who-I-am-anymore music.) Just stick to your routine, Jeffy, it seems to suits you best. Day in and day out, like a zombie, but not quite cool enough - it's YOU, and that's all that matters. I'd avoid any change at all, if possible. The shock is too much for you. Just my advice - and free of charge. ;-)
Have a good life, dickhead! It was truly nice knowing you... Time to move on out of the nest now.
Just another day in the life - and I love my life.