wanted...dog on a string to complement our new lifestyle..

Sep 02, 2009 12:27

thats me finally got my new piece of kit for the garden. joined neeps -northeast eco-friendly peoples site a while ago.  the master composter is always on the lookout for green cone digesters  that people dont want.  offered my one (which was a waste of time) and asked him if he had any info on compost tumblesrs...even better he had one lying around, would i want it ???  some thing for nothing?!!?  of course i would want it.
so now the composting moves up a gear and i should have usable compost in less than 4 weeks.  perfect for grass cuttings and all those bloody weeds that are still growing. 
really getting into this frugal living. im not a 'greenie' but was brought up to reuse, recycle and grow your own. its taken a while to get intio the swing of things but now the veg beds are up and running (and producing veg that actually taste of something lol) its move on to the next plan which is get my cane fruit plot sorted out,  build our chook house and run and track down some ex-battery chooks and look into home made wind turbines.
i suppose the thing that really made me realise that we are turning into land hippies is when i was watching economey gastronomey on tv last week and one household spent £23,000 a year on food for 2 adults and 5 kids but chucked at least a third of it down the waste disposal unit !!!!
and here was i  getting concerned bout us spending £40 a week on two of us. we actually have no food waste now anything edible left is frozen to be used again, made into soup or composted.  its amazing how having no spare cash makes you rethink your way of living.
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