theres a rat in mah scullery, what am ah gonna do ???

Aug 08, 2009 12:20

awwww.. bob loves his mummy !!!  saw bob lying outside on the concrete with a little fuzzy present for his mummy. its was still alive with no damage but its a baby rat. mice, shrews and voles ok but farm rats are nasty little buggers.
he got bored and let it go so it ran to the pond. managed to get a hold of it again and put it into a pet carrier. so now we have a dillema...should we kill it or let it run free to let bob kill it ?????

edit..after being bitten by rat, the little bag of germs and viruses is now an ex-rat.....
btw i love furry  rodents, i used to keep rats but  the farm rats up here are a pest and when adult could do a cat a lot of damage...incase you are thinking im totally heartless ..
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