The suitation of it seems.

Jun 21, 2007 16:10

I'm fed up with the new boss, everything from cutting my hours to bad talking me and my friends and other emploies while at work.

I honestly don't know what to do, not sure anyone at the main office will believe me. And the only reason he has this job at this store is because Billy Gilman is too much of a prick to put aside the fact that he hates Eric to see he was the one most elegable for the G.M. posistion.

Okay I'm going to put a few senerios down for you. I have other emploies who have witnessed this and would most likely vouch in my favor.

Senerio one:
I've been comeing to work for the past week (about the last week of last month) sick due to my allegeries. No one wants to smile when you are sick..people can tell you are faking it. I'm on drive thru cash where I ALWAYS have to work. Noah comes over to me and goes. "Why aren't you smiling?" I tell him polietly that i'm sick and he responds with telling me to stay home then. Which I once again tell him poliety that with my new sedcule I hardly get hours, so I need the money. He responds back, hatefully with. "Well if you don't start smileing, you won't have to worry about that because you won't have a job to get more hours with." And left.

Witnesses: Eric Mynatt-Shift Manager Shannon Wilson-Good friend and long-time employee. Jessica Mummurt-Team Leader and long time employee.

Snereio two:
I am once again at drive thru cash. Everyone in the store has had a bad day, not a one of us is happy. I accdently say something about how could someone be as stupid as to put the wrong stuff in with a salad. Turns out it was Carrie. I apologize to Carre RIGHT AFTER I found out it was her. She ACCEPTS my apology. Noah comes over to me, and goes. "I didn't hear what you said to her, but no name calling in my store, okay?" I looked to him and NODDED and said 'okay'. Maybe he didn't hear me because he kept going "Okay" over and over, keep in mind, I had a coustomer and needed to deal with them. Should he of even been berateing me in front of a coustomer to begin with? Anyway after i'm done with the coustomer he goes "OKAY do not ignore me." and I told him that I wasen't ignoreing him. He got in my face and went "you didn't say a word to me, you were ignoreing me, DO NOT play games with me." The second time I've been verbally threatened by this man.

Witnesses: Eric Mynatt-Shift Manager Carrie-Employee Jessica Mummert-Team Leader.

Senerio three:
This happened today, during lunch rush. I have orders lined up and are still handing out bags. Noah keeps yelling "Pull this order." So when I finally get a chance I go "What Order?" He responds by "PULL THE SANTA FE SALAD AND CHICKEN SALAD SANDWHICH IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT, JESUS!" I'm useing all caps to symbolize that he was in-fact YELLING this while coustomers were in the front, bassically calling his employee stupid. I didn't know what order 'this order' was...I don't have some super-speical vision to look ACROSS THE DAMN STORE to read the reciept on the bag. How was I sussposed to know what to pull it was 'that hard' to pull something when I didn't know what order I was pulling.

Witnesses: Jessica Mummert-Team Leader Shannon Wilson-Friend and long time employee.

Keep in mind i'm not the only one who recieves this verbal abuse from him. Carrie, Jesse, Jessica M. and even Shannon have been given the same levels of third degree from him.

My question is, is there anything I can do about it?
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