(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 22:14

its been a minute since i updated my journal nothing exciting has happend in my life just a bunch of movin and i hate moving in the past year ive moved from san jose (mine and steves apartment kicked ass) to vegas where i lived with sam again in her apartment for about two months then in with holly whom i nanny'd for about 8 months then into a house with chris and some of his friend whom are cokeheads and i fight with them all the time about two weeks ago was the last fight i decide i need to get into with beets (the guy that owes the house) they woke me up around 5am on a sunday which is my only day off and i like to sleep in i yelled from my room to shut the fuck up he called me a bitch so i went out there and asked them all to please take there drugs somewhere else besides my 500 dollar kitchen table thats when beets got nose to nose with me and yelled at me four times to shut the fuck up and go back to my room... well that means im moving again this time is to a really nice four bedroom house which is way cool but i have no car and its far from the place i was working and linzi (i babysit for her on mondays and tuesday) now that i live so far away i have no job cause no one from the salon will pick me up for work and linzi doesnt want to drive that far with the baby when business is so slow right now so im jobless!!! i applied at pep boys got hired and then they asked me to take a drug test ok fine but i started smoking weed again and dont really think ill pass... shit.

anyhow i just need to take the time to write about everything real quick to get it out of my head. im goin to be m.i.a for the next month i have plans for my life and am goin to take the next month to work on these ideas i have...

until next time i love you all and miss you tons!

this parts for you,
take care your always in my heart
with lots of something
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