if you hadn't figured out by the title of this post, today royally sucked. and people royally suck. i'll be nice and put the rant that is to follow under a cut so that no one has to read my crappy, shitty, hateful attitude if they don't want to.
if you do crack this bad boy open, be warned that i'll probably using lots of dirty, foul language. you have been warned so enter at your own risk.
i hate people. i fucking hate people so much that the urge to do horrible, vile things to them fills me and makes me damned happy. hell, just the idea of bleeding them makes me smile. i really, really, REALLY fucking hate people.
spawn went to his friend's house yesterday. no biggie. and i went to pick him up when he called me. it was after 8 and i don't want him walking after dark. not that far. no biggie. on the way home, he tells me that his friend, Larry, will probably be coming over today. which is cool, because Larry's a good kid. i don't think spawn could have a better friend, really. so there's no problem having Larry over.
at noonish, spawn comes to tell me that Larry's ready to come over. i scoop up the luggage and head outside. to find that the tires on the driver's side of mom's truck are flat.
then i notice that the tires on my car are flat. both of them on the passenger's side.
double wtf?
some ignorant little fucking dickshitted fuckface asshole slashed the tires. okay. so not slashed. but they put a thin bladed knife into them. three of my tires. two of mom's. i called the cops. an officer came out to look at it and confimed that they'd been slashed with a knife. he told me what we needed to do, what paperwork we needed to take to the station to file whatever paperwork we had to file.
okay. cool. one call down.
next was a tow truck. because the parental unit has to work tonight. i called for a tow, then called the insurance company because they will reimburse. got the information i needed there, thank you very much.
three calls down. now all i had to do was wait for the truck to arrive.
driver goes to back the truck up so he can put it on the flatbed. imagine my surprise when i find out that the stupid little fucker who did this slashed all FOUR of mom's tires. mom drives a Ford Explorer. its a truck. truck tires are more expensive than car tires. what i first thought would be maybe $500 ended up being nearly $900. because she's got Michelin tires on the truck and she likes them. plus an $85 tow. fortunately, there's a $100 rebate on the tires. and the reimbursement from the insurance company. and its possible that our home owner's insurance might cover some of it. but still...
what was the fucking point? why? what could they have possibly fucking gained by doing this? why are people such fucking asshats? why can't i sit on the roof with a sniper rifle and pick their fucking asses off?
and i have yet to get the car taken care of. that will be another nearly $400 for tires. and i need to get a window fixed. and it needs inspection.
i fucking hate this place. i fucking hate these people. i fucking want nothing more than to move back up north. i fucking hate it here.
on the smilier side of things,
coinin was kind enough to share this link with me. its totally the bomb and i really enjoyed the shit out of it. you can abuse little emos until they kill themselves. talk about fun!
Emogotchi v2.0