The House of the Rising Sun, Chapter Eight

May 01, 2009 23:17

Title: House of the Rising Sun
Fandoms: a cross over between Marvel's X-Men(to some degree) Universe and the Anita Blake Universe
Rating: no one under 18. there will be blood and gore, sex and violence. dirty language and whatever else i feel like tossing in here.
Warning: as i said, sex and violence and dirty words. said sex will include, but not be limited to, M/F, M/M, M/F/F, F/F, M/M/F and probably any other combination i can work out. weak stomach, not my fault. you have been warned.
Disclaimer: i do not own anyone from the Marvel universe. i do not own anyone from the Anita Blake universe. i don't even own Gin. i'm lucky to own myself. i swear i'm not making any money from this. i just do what the sick voices inside my head tell me to. i write purely for my enjoyment. and possibly the comments. please don't sue, harass or bother me. i have no money to pay you, but i do have a really nasty temper. and i know some good cuss words.

Author's Notes: sorry, guys. i couldn't help myself with this one. i really couldn't.

The House of the Rising Sun: The Index

The sky was dark outside of the plane's small oval windows. Lights from the city spread out around them in a sea of small, brilliant diamonds of different colors. They winked and flashed in the blackness, a kind of farewell from the city. His city. New Orleans had always been his home. He'd gone elsewhere, but he'd always returned to the Big Easy. It had always welcomed him, held him close to its bosom. It had always treated him like a long lost relative. Now...

Remy sighed and watched the lights shift into a blur as the private jet picked up speed. Now, it was lost to him.

After gathering what he thought he would need from the farm house, he, Anita and Claudia had returned to Ororo Munroe's home to collect the girls. His girls. And they were his, no matter what happened from now on out. He knew that he'd done something to them last night though he couldn't say what it was. He'd asked about it, but gotten no reply. No one was talking. And the mix of emotions he'd caught from their rescuers had done nothing to assure him in the slightest. Based on that, he'd vowed to himself that he wouldn't let them out of his sight.

The witch had been sitting at her kitchen table, talking softly with Gin. Both had sent him smiles when he'd come in. Everyone's bags had been left on the floor in the living room, including a few he recalled seeing five years ago. He'd settled his possessions amongst the others before seeking out Jo. He'd found her curled up on a bed, dozing. Fitfully. She'd obviously been dreaming, something bad if the fear that colored her emotions was anything to go by. Much as he'd hated to do it, he'd woken her.

She'd been disoriented upon waking, jerking back from him in confusion and fear. It had made him want to find Belladonna and take her head off. But the thoughts had left the moment her eyes had cleared and she'd smiled at him. Once everyone had done what they'd needed to and come together, they'd headed for a small, municipal airport and a shining black jet.

Gin sat beside him, her shoulders tense and her mind filled with unease. Something had happened during the day, something she didn't wish to talk about. He'd considered asking her about it, but knew that she'd talk to him when she was ready. Jo'd taken the seat across from him, face turned so that she stared out the window. He could see longing on her face. And there was a sense of melancholy to her that he thought he understood. She hadn't wanted to leave, either.

He'd had to shut everyone but the girls out. The plane was too small for so many people and clogged with so much emotion that it had made his head spin. Anger, worry, distrust, fear, confusion. All of that and more swirled around them. It would have choked him and given him a headache if he hadn't erected barriers to protect himself. Worry for the girls was there, but Gin was so far removed from her surroundings that he didn't think she noticed. If she did, it was only in a muted, distracted way. And Jo... He wondered at times just how sensitive she really was. Perhaps she was tuning out in her own way.

They were barely off the ground when the one called Micah undid his seatbelt and stood, then moved past them. Gin stiffened beside him, leaned into his shoulder as the other man walked by. A whiff of regret and sorrow followed the man, while the woman at his side was suddenly flooded with fear. He gently laid a hand on her arm and tried to push a sense of calm at her. She relaxed slightly before settling her head on his shoulder. When he looked up, Jo was eyeing her with concern. Not as tuned out as he'd thought.

"Jean Claude will be meeting us at the airport when we arrive." Anita broke the silence. Remy didn't think the statement was directed at them, but it didn't matter. It was something for all of them to focus on. "We'll be going back to the Circus from there. Are you coming with us, Edward?"

"I have a meeting," came the reply. It was apparently all the answer she was going to get.

"Ares, I'll make sure that Narcissus knows you were an asset. Thank you for coming."

"The vampiress is evil. She needs to be destroyed," he replied. It was the first time Remy could recall hearing him talk. His voice was low and husky, filled with the conviction he felt. "Those women needed our help. I was glad to do it."

"Micah, you'll probably want to come with us."

There was a sigh that Remy took as having come from the young man. "She doesn't trust me, Anita. Not after today. She needs to be with someone who doesn't scare the crap out of her."

"Nathaniel, then," the woman suggested. Something in her tone said she was obviously unhappy with this turn of events.

"It might be better if it wasn't any of the leopards, Anita." The voice belonged to the young man named Nathaniel. He and Micah had been the ones at the club the other night, the ones who'd caused such a stir. Both the customers and the cats that Belladonna claimed as hers had talked about them. Remy'd watched them as they'd danced with Gin and Jo, pleased to see that someone was treating them as something beyond sex objects. He still needed to thank Nathaniel for catching Jo before she'd hit the floor. There'd been no way he could have gotten to her in time. The crowd had been far too thick and he'd have had to injure people in order to get there and catch her before she'd have gotten hurt.

"You weren't there, Nathaniel. She told us she could feel the change coming. She needs to be with the leopards when she shifts or she'll kill someone. She's afraid that she'll kill her friends when she does." That information wasn't entirely unexpected, but it still surprised him. The choked noise from the seat across from him drew his attention up to Jo. She was staring at them, her eyes wide as she soaked in what she'd heard.

"We'll figure something out. You saw what she was like after they showed up the apartment today," Micah said softly. "It doesn't matter that I shifted to protect her. She's afraid of me because I reminded her of them and what they did to her."

"Those two leopards would have killed her if you hadn't shifted, Micah. She knows that."

"Maybe on a rational level, Anita. But she isn't thinking rationally. They raped her repeatedly, abused her whenever they could. I remind her of what they did. Its going to take time for the wounds to heal," Micah told the woman gently. "She might have been fine if they hadn't showed up at the apartment today. But they did. And they changed. She was frozen with fear and I made it worse by shifting in front of her."

"Take me back. Give me something silver and take me back. I'm going to kill every last one of them," Jo whispered, hands fisting in her lap. Remy sensed that every eye on the plane was suddenly trained on the redhead. She didn't seem to notice. All of her attention was given to the woman leaning against him. Gin was stiff and he could feel apprehension rolling off of her. Obviously, Jo hadn't been aware of this turn of events anymore than he had been.

"Jo. It isn't worth it. Just let it go. Killing them won't change anything," Gin replied. She must have been too tired to shield properly. Or her mind wasn't completely on the task. He could feel guilt leaking through. And the sudden narrowing of Jo's eyes told him she'd picked up on it, too.

"There's more going on here than just what's being discussed. What is it? What aren't you telling me, Gin? What did you do?" Her voice was oddly without inflection. A quick probe told him that this was the last straw and Jo was on the verge of simply shutting down. Too much had happened too quickly and she couldn't process anymore information.

Gin looked down, a slight tremor running up and down the length of her body where it touched his. Painfully aware of the attention turned on them, he leaned down and kissed Gin's jaw before whispering in her ear. "Let me handle dis. We talk it out later, when we alone." She said nothing, simply nodded and watched as he pulled away from her. Her expression was anxious as he took the seat beside Jo and slipped an arm around the woman's shoulder. "Now, petit. Dere no reason to get so upset."

"I'm not upset, Remy. I'm perfectly calm," Jo replied before turning back to look out the window. The mix of emotions rolling off of her said otherwise. Anger, confusion, hate and guilt warred with one another. He reached out and laid a hand against her cheek, turning her to face him. He could see by her expression that she wanted to blame herself for everything. He called upon his charm to soothe some of the tension from her.

"Dis not de time or de place. We talk about it later." He made sure she understood that he meant when they didn't have an audience.

"You should have told me," Jo said to Gin, some of the anger gone. It was replaced with weariness and fear.

"What good would that have done?" Gin asked quietly. The look on her face begged her friend to understand, to simply forget about it. "You would have gone out and tried to kill them, tried that much harder to protect me, and gotten yourself killed. It doesn't matter. I'm alive. You're alive. Remy's alive. We're all together. Just let it go."

Jo stared at her for a few moments, then sighed and shook her head. She turned back to the window, signifying that she was done conversing. Remy couldn't help but touch her cheek again before he got up and moved back to his seat next to Gin. She turned wide eyes up at him, worried about her friend's reaction. He leaned down and pressed another kiss to her jaw. "Give her time. Dere too much to deal wit'. She be right as rain soon enough."

Gin sent him a look that openly questioned the accuracy of his statement. But she settled back against him and remained silent. He watched her eyes flick to the other woman, felt the slight tension in her shoulders. She didn't believe him. He could tell that she was worried this would change things, that they'd never enjoy the same closeness they'd had before the entire mess. If he could change it, he'd do so in a heartbeat. It wasn't to be, though, and all they could do was wait for everything to go back to the way it was. Jo would be okay. She had to be. Still, he wasn't so sure he believed what he'd said anymore than Gin had.

The rest of the flight was made in almost complete silence. There were a few comments made, but none of them were directed at the three of them. Many of them were spoken so softly that he didn't know if the girls had heard them. Something told him that, given the present circumstances, they wouldn't likely care. Gin's thoughts had drifted, taking her as far from the plane as they could get so that she barely took note of what happened around her. Jo hadn't looked away from the window since he'd talked to her. He was worried about both of them. What was supposed to have been a good thing was turning into a nightmare.

He hoped fervently that they'd wake up from it.


Jean Claude climbed from the back of the limo as the private jet taxied slowly toward the nearby hangar. Jason followed after to stand slightly behind him and to the right. Anita had contacted him through their link and asked him to bring the young wolf with. She hadn't gone into full detail, but she had mentioned that it would help with a potential problem with one of the women. He'd agreed and mentioned to her that she needed to explain it to him fully later. For the moment, he wanted a chance to evaluate this new triumvirate that his human servant was bringing into his city.

"Just why am I here?" Jason asked, his eyes tracking the plane's progress.

"Anita requested your presence. I know little more than you do at this point. I believe it has something to do with one of the women she is bringing with her."

"Is it true that the Master of New Orleans made these women pick people for her to..." He trailed off as if he couldn't think of the right word.

"She made them hunt for her and her kiss," Jean Claude confirmed. "Anita is convinced they are lucky to be alive."

"How did they survive?" Jason looked toward the jet. It was almost completely stopped, the ground crew waiting for the moment when they could go to work

"A very unusual member of Belladonna's kiss." There was no more time for questions as the door on the jet opened and the stairs were lowered to the ground. Anita was first off of the plane, Micah and Nathaniel at her back. They were followed by Edward, his face cast in lines of blandness that hid the predator inside. Travis came behind him. The lion looked quite pleased to be back home. Claudia and Bobby Lee exited next. Jean Claude thought that they looked as if they were on edge and wondered what they could possibly be worried about.

The next three faces were unfamiliar to him. One man and two women. The man left the plane first, standing at the top of the steps for a few moments before turning back into the jet. When he faced front again, he moved forward a pair of steps to allow the women out after him. One was taller than the other by a scant few inches, her face drawn into a tight mask of nothing. Her hair was a brighter shade of red than the other woman, who seemed to cling to man as if he alone could protect her. Together, the man and the woman holding his hand started down the stairs. The other woman followed behind them, her steps much slower.

All of his attention was focused so intently on the trio that he barely noted Ares and Sylvie exiting the plane behind them. Again, there was an air of expectation to the two weres that kept them on edge.

The young man leading the trio had a handsome face and a toned body. He moved with confidence, a fluid grace in his motions that he'd obviously had before being turned. His hair was a rather non-descript shade of brown and, even over the distance between them, Jean Claude could see that the man had the strangest eyes he'd ever had occasion to see. The man was leaned down slightly, ignoring the presence of everyone else, and whispered in the shorter woman's ear as they crossed the tarmac toward the waiting group at the car. Anita had said the man had only been a vampire for five years. There was simply no way. The power rolling off of him was far too strong for one so young.

The women were a study in contrast to their master. Both moved almost hesitantly. The woman at the young man's side looked pale and shaken, as if something very frightening had happened to her only moments ago. Jean Claude noted that her stride was a little less mortal clumsy and a little more feline grace than the woman following after her. The persuasive little cat from the phone last night. He wondered what had left her so afraid and knew that he would ask her about it before the night was over. And while the cat clung to the man at her side as if he offered her some sense of peace or solace, the other woman avoided touching either of them.

The third member of their group hung back, her steps slow and careful. Her eyes shifted back and forth, constantly scanning her surroundings. If not for the bruise at her throat, he might have found her actions annoying or amusing. The implication that he could not protect them was not lost on him. But she'd survived an obviously vicious attack if the bite on her neck was anything to go by. He recognized Belladonna's mark easily, despite the distance between the two of them and the growing shadows.

There were two things that were more than obvious to him already. The first was that the women, both of them, had suffered much abuse at the hands of their hosts, and the young vampire was their source of strength. Second was that a subtle but strong cloud of power circled all three of them, blanketed them and bound them together far more tightly than any vampire marks the master had to give.

The trio finally stood before him. While the petite cat nervously flicked her gaze around at the small gathering of lycanthropes, the other woman remained hidden behind the taller figure of the man. There were several moments of silence as they stared at one another and Jean Claude thought he felt some kind of tactile sensation sweep across his skin. It wasn't unpleasant but it did come as something of a shock to him. Then Anita stepped up so that she was to one side of them, positioned so that Jean Claude and the new vampire were on either side of her.

"Jean Claude, these are the people I was telling you about. This is Remy LeBeau. The woman at his side is Gin and Jo is behind him." She gestured to each of them with one hand. Then she indicated him with the same casual motion of her hand. "This is Jean Claude, Master of the City of St. Louis. He's agreed to give you sanctuary from Belladonna and her people."

A small smile crossed the other man's face, then he inclined his head slightly. "Thank you." Two simple words shouldn't have held so much emotion. There shouldn't have been any depth to them. But Jean Claude heard a great deal more than plain gratitude in them. It made him wonder briefly just how bad things had been for the little group and he found himself suddenly very determined to find out just what Belladonna had done to them.

"Ma petite was most insistent that you be allowed to seek refuge with us. I hope that you will find yourselves at ease here. You are among friends."

His words made Remy flick his gaze down toward Gin, who was still trying to keep an eye on every single lycanthrope there. Then he reached behind him and drew the woman who had remained hidden to his side. Her eyes widened slightly upon seeing Jean Claude and, for an instant, he recognized the soft edges of desire in her gaze as she stared. It was gone as quickly as it had come, the softness replaced with the hard edge of distrust. She didn't exactly huddle against her master, but she came close. Standing before him, the empty look fell from her face to be replaced by defiance and something that looked suspiciously like hatred.

No one hurried to fill the gap with conversation. He couldn't be sure if it was uncertainty, dislike or fear that held their tongues. To his left, Anita sighed and muttered a curse under her breath. Then she turned and motioned with one hand again. "Jason. Could you come here, please?" she asked the blonde.

The young wolf moved up to stand between her and Jean Claude. His blue eyes were bright with curiosity. Anita motioned to the shorter of the two women. "Jason. I'd like you to meet Gin. She's got a few problems I think you can help her with."

Jason stared at the woman for a moment, then glanced back to Anita. There was an instant between them where Jean Claude thought they might be managing some kind of silent communication about the girl. Finally, Jason inclined his head as if he understood, though there was no guarantee that the young wolf had done little more than simply assess the situation with his keen wit and knew what it called for without being told any details. Anita was sure to give to those later.

The blonde crossed between them so that he stood on Gin's other side, close but not quite touching. He offered her a grin that was filled with mischief. "Its nice to meet you, Gin. I hope you'll like it here in St. Louis. We've got a good thing going here and Jean Claude..." Jason turned to face him and blinked a moment, then his lips twitched as he fought off laughter. "Um... Jean Claude? Did you know your fly is down?"

Almost as one, everyone standing across from him glanced down to look. Anita's lips quivered as she battled the urge to laugh. Most of the lycanthropes present hid their humor well. The young master let his mouth spread in a wide grin. Jo seemed to be unaffected by it and Gin looked as if she were trying to decide if she should laugh or not. Taking that as an encouraging sign, Jean Claude turned to his wolf and leveled a bland stare on him. "And why did you not inform me of the state of my zipper earlier?"

"Because I was being a good lap wolf and walking behind you. How am I supposed to see the fly of your jeans when I'm following you?" Jason replied, turning his head enough to offer a cheeky grin to the woman beside him. When she looked at him, he tossed her a wink that coaxed a faint smile to life on her lips. Jason's grin became something a little more wolfish and he leaned closer to Gin as if he were sharing a secret. "Its okay. You can laugh. He won't take offense to it. Jean Claude is pretty cool."

"He won't get mad if you laugh at him?" she questioned in a soft voice. Jason shook his head. Gin shot a puzzled glance Jean Claude's way before turning back to the blonde at her side. Jason's grin was infectious and she actually let her smile grow. "You're the comic relief, aren't you?"

"Lap wolf and court jester. That's me!" Jason's grin was unrepentant.

"Perhaps I should dress you in a jester's motley instead of Armani?" Jean Claude asked the young man.

Jason shook his head. "No. I'm good. But thanks anyway."

"Come. We should return to the Circus. There is still much to do before the dawn." Jean Claude motioned to the waiting car. He watched as the young master silently urged the two women at his side forward. After they'd begun moving, Jason shot a confused glance after them. The same look was turned toward Anita, then he followed after the trio. Anita came to his side and gave him a hard look.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

He gave her a blank stare. "Did what on purpose?"

"Your zipper. You did that to put them at ease."

"Ma petite, you should know better than that. I would never resort to such juvenile tactics."

"Right," she snorted, then shook her head. But she was smiling as she did so.

Together, the two of them made their way to the car that waited. Everyone else had climbed inside and the lycanthropes that had escorted Anita to New Orleans waited for them to climb into the limo before seeking out their own transportation. She climbed into the car first and he followed. When he settled into his seat, it was to find that the young master had taken the middle of the bench across from him while the women huddled close. He noted that while Gin seemed content to study those inside the vehicle, Jo had turned her face so that she looked out the darkened window.

The ride from the airport to the Circus was made in near complete silence. Anita and Jason discussed what had happened while she was in New Orleans, but not in great detail. She spoke of the woman who had called and asked for her help, of the police she'd aided and the impressions she'd pulled from the city. Jean Claude noticed she carefully avoided speaking about anything tied to Belladonna and the rescue of the trio she'd held captive. By the time they'd arrived at the Circus, there was a fine, subtle tension in the air of the car and everyone seemed pleased to escape it when they finally pulled to a halt behind the building.

Asher was waiting for them at the back door, his face a blank mask as he watched people exit the car. Jean Claude was out first to offer a hand to Anita. She took it wordlessly and allowed him to help her from the car. Jason came next and nodded to the two of them to go ahead. Jean Claude escorted Anita toward the door, where she hugged Asher to her in a tight embrace. Some of the tension in his temoin slid away at her touch, but it returned a moment later when the newcomers emerged from the car.

Remy stepped out first, allowing a brief glimpse of his profile before he turned to offer a hand back into the car. Gin came next, her eyes moving around the lot quickly before settling on the smiling Jason. The blonde took her from her master and began drawing her toward the door, where everyone waited for them. The young master once more leaned into the car, one hand held out. For several long seconds, the man remained bent like that. Then, very slowly, as if he was coaxing a frightened animal from the corner it had been backed into, he pulled back and a slight motion signified that the last person in the car was coming out.

The redhead stepped from the back of the limo and looked around. Her eyes landed on Jean Claude, then slid to the side where Asher stood. They went wide before flicking back to the man before her and she shook her head at him. Remy leaned down until his mouth was next to her ear and he whispered, something so soft that even Jean Claude couldn't hear it from where he was. The girl shook her head again one more time, her body shifting as if she were going to climb back into the car. The man's hands grabbed her gently and pulled her into his embrace. Jean Claude got the sense that there was something going on. He was sure that the man wasn't speaking to her, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that he was doing something.

Gin took a step forward, as if she planned on going to her friend's side, but Jean Claude put a hand on her arm to stop her. When she looked up at him, he gave her a slight smile and shook his head. "This is a fear that she has to overcome on her own. I know you wish to help her, but you cannot. Just as she cannot help you with your fears."

He watched as Gin subsided, though the expression on her face said she wasn't happy about it, and gave her attention completely to the two still standing by the car. It appeared that Jo had relaxed enough in her master's embrace that she simply clung to him. Whatever he'd done to bring about the change, it was over. Now he was simply stroking a hand down her back and it was obvious he was speaking in her ear once more. Finally, she lifted her head and nodded, though it was an abrupt motion. He smiled down at her, then turned her toward the group at the door.

When the two of them joined everyone else, Jean Claude made a motion to the door behind them with one hand. "Shall we go in? Asher, will you lead the way?"

"Of course," the blonde replied. Jean Claude thought he heard something sullen in his second's voice, but Asher turned and stepped into the building before Jean Claude had a chance to see his face.

Jason stepped went through the door second, then stopped inside to wait for the newcomers to follow after him. Jean Claude watched as Gin glanced up at Remy before she entered the building. Jason took her hand, flashing an unrepentant grin back at the young vampire, then began descending the stairs with the woman at his side.

Jo stood just outside, staring into the building with a faint frown on her face. For a moment, Jean Claude thought that someone would have to physically carry her inside. Given the reluctance he'd seen previously, it wasn't that wild a notion. But she, like her friend, glanced up at Remy, then shrugged her shoulders and entered the building. She didn't, he noted, let go of the man's hand. Once they had stepped inside, Anita followed after them. Jean Claude came last while the guard made sure the door was closed behind them.

The small party was in full swing by the time he and Anita arrived. She glanced up at him, confusion wrinkling her brow, then gave the event a good once over. There were maybe three dozen bodies milling in the main room. A table had been set up with refreshments for the human and lycanthrope attendees, while there were several individuals who would provide a snack to any vampire who found themselves hungry. A glance told him that a small group of his kiss was present, as he'd asked them to be.

Asher stood off to one side, watching the people around him through the curtain of his hair. Wicked and Truth spoke to a petite redhead clad in a pale blue sweater and a black leather mini-skirt. Meng Die stood to one side, her eyes never ceasing to move over the crowd. Requiem and London spoke with a brunette wearing an emerald green dress. Another brunette was standing with several of the dancers from Guilty Pleasures while Willie and Hannah floated from one group to the next, chattering away as if they didn't have a care in the world.

Jason had managed to coax Gin over to the refreshment table, where he was happily piling a plate with food for her. Jean Claude suspected that he was secretly getting her used to the fact that she would soon be eating far more than she was used to. Jo was still glued to the young master's side, though it was obvious he was trying to convince her to move. He pointed to the food table, to several of the other humans around, and to an empty couch. Each time, she shook her head and refused to move.

Jean Claude took Anita's hand in his. The two of them stepped into the middle of the crowd and silence fell almost immediately. All eyes turned to him and he offered a faint smile to everyone. "The guests of honor have arrived. Ma petite has brought them from New Orleans and they will be making their home here. The young lady you see with Jason is Ginette. Jocelyn and Remy have yet to join the party. Please make them feel at home. And please excuse me. I have a few things to discuss with Anita."

They remained silent until they were secreted away in his bedroom. Once there, she slipped into his arms and allowed him to hug her and kiss her. When they broke apart, she shook her head and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "This isn't what you brought me back here for, Jean Claude. So let's get it over with."

"Tell me why you asked that Jason accompany me tonight." He leaned against the wall, watching her carefully. He knew that there were things she hadn't told him yet. She would tell him now.

"Gin's afraid of the leopards," she sighed and shook her head.

"So you attempt to soothe her with a wolf? Surely she is not afraid of your pard."

"She wouldn't even let Nathaniel near her. Belladonna's cats... They attacked us today. I took Gin to their apartment to collect some things they'd need. When we came out, they were there. They were after her. I think she'd have been okay, but Micah took his half and half form to fight them off. The guy changed on the street and he was going to kill her where she stood. She was paralyzed with fear, Jean Claude." Anita shook her head and frowned at him. "When she saw Micah change, it was worse. She might have made a deal with those animals, but they made damn sure she was terrified of them."

"So you asked me to bring Jason because he is not a leopard and would help soothe her nerves."

"Yes," Anita nodded. She frowned and shook her head. "This is turning into a big nightmare."

"You were the one who was insistent upon bringing them here," he reminded her softly. She shot a look at him, then stood so that she could pace the floor. He could feel her frustration simmering just under the surface and he wanted nothing more than to soothe it from her. But he knew her well enough that she wouldn't allow it. So he instead made her focus her energies on the problem at hand. "Why is this becoming a nightmare?"

"I never thought that they would be so violently afraid here. I thought that they'd feel safe and..."

"How long were they kept in Belladonna's tender care?" He interrupted her to ask the question. Anita blinked at him before giving his query her consideration.

"I think it was a month. They'd been missing two weeks when their friend called me for help. Then you had to negotiate with the bitch for permission to enter her territory. That took longer than I expected it to."

"Ma petite, Belladonna had weeks to torture them. Releasing them from their prison will not immediately release them from the fear and the memories," he told her in a soft, reasonable tone. She sighed as if this wasn't what she'd wanted to hear. "They will need time to adjust to their new lives and it will take time for them to realize that no one here will harm them."

"How do you expect that to happen? Gin can't stand to be around any wereleopard and Jo is so afraid of vampires that she didn't even want to get in the car with you. How do you expect them to overcome that?"

"It will take time," he repeated quietly. After a moment, he gave her something else to think upon and changed the subject. "Tell me of the young master. You are sure he marked them?"

"Oh yes. The doctor friend that Miss Munroe called out assured me that Jo would have died from her injuries if he hadn't given her the first mark. He shouldn't have been able to do that, Jean Claude. He's only been a vampire for five years," she stared at him. "Edward did extensive research. You know how well he does his job. Everything they've told me is the truth. That man was alive and breathing five years ago. He shouldn't have that kind of power."

"And yet he does. He is a master vampire, ma petite. I could feel the power rolling off of him as soon as he stepped from the plane. I have no explanation for it. But the truth is he is a master vampire and those women belong to him."

"What the hell are we going to do? He won't go anywhere without them and they won't leave him behind."

"They will have to stay here. As you pointed out, I can use one more powerful vampire in my kiss. The young master is already quite powerful. But you already know this," Jean Claude watched her as she continued to pace, spending the frustration that had built inside. He suspected much of it was a result of being forced to leave New Orleans before she'd had a chance to end Belladonna's life for her crimes against the dead and the living. "Now, tell me about the two women. You mentioned that you believe they are psychic in some manner."

"They are. I don't know how. But I can feel it. All three of them..." she paused and shook her head. Then she looked up at him and frowned. "There's something odd about him, too. I can't put my finger on it. But he's... Have you ever seen anyone with eyes that color?"

"I have not. They are most unusual."

"All masters follow a pattern, right? They gain power as they age. And it takes a long time to gain that power. This young vampire has more power than he should. Chances are good its going to increase as he gets older." She was thinking on her feet, so he let her speak. He was rather enjoying watching her move and everything she'd said so far was already common knowledge. There was no need for him to add anything unless she asked his opinion or made a mistake. She finally stopped and looked at him. "Can you blood oath him?"

"Of course I can blood oath him. But given the fact that he's already gaining master powers, there is no guarantee that the blood oath will ensure he is loyal to me."

"Then what do we do? How can we be sure he's loyal? With his power..." Anita asked, staring at him in frustration.

Jean Claude shook his head. There was no way to guarantee the newly made vampire's loyalty. Not in any conventional sense. He was more powerful than any fledgling should be at that age. And Anita was right. With the power the man had, it would only continue to grow. Jean Claude wasn't so foolish to think that the young master would hit his plateau so soon. If this Remy could already mark a human servant and an animal to call, then there was no telling what other powers he'd developed. And would in the future.

Jean Claude thought perhaps he understood why Belladonna would use whatever means necessary to force the man's cooperation. Why she'd wanted him so badly that she'd put the lives of two mortals at risk was still a mystery, but it was a mystery that Jean Claude intended to get to the bottom of. He didn't care what it took, but he would understand just why Belladonna had taken two women captive and then forced them to do her bidding. It wasn't as if the members of her kiss were incapable of attracting their own donors.

Was it?

He puzzled that one out for a moment. He'd never heard of a vampire without the ability to enthrall a mortal and bend them to their will. He supposed it was possible. And it would never have been an issue before the laws had been changed. Of course, the woman was utterly insane and it was entirely possible she simply enjoyed torturing people, enjoyed twisting a good and gentle soul until it was as black and wrong as her own. What she'd used the two women for was cruel.

He had to admit, there was something to be said about Belladonna using the mortals as a way to keep control of a fledgling vampire with unheard of power. Surely she had to have felt his power. Jean Claude suspected that, had Remy really tried, he could have easily ended his master's life. She'd obviously taken the women to guarantee his good behavior. And she'd found a way to break them all. Could he take her tactics and make them work for him here?

"How frightened do you think the women are?" he asked Anita. She stared at him for a few seconds before she frowned.

"What are you thinking of doing, Jean Claude?"

"I believe that they are the key to garnering the young master's loyalty."

Her eyes narrowed on him as she considered his words, her arms crossing over her chest in what he knew was a sign of her rising temper. "You mean to controlling him and ensuring his loyalty."

"I mean garnering his loyalty," he corrected softly. When she said nothing further, he went on to explain himself. Perhaps if she understood what he meant, she would lose some of her anger. It would make the evening so much easier if she didn't spend it upset. "You have told me that they will do anything for him. And he will do anything for them. This is correct?"

"Yes. Their concern is for each other and not themselves."

"Then we shall give the girls reason to stay," he replied

"How will that ensure his loyalty to you?"

"I will help them overcome their fears." At his words, she shot him a glare that coaxed a laugh from his throat. He could practically see the jealousy brought to life by his statement floating on the air around her. "You misunderstand, petite. By taking their master as one of my kiss, they will be entitled to the safety due to one of my people."

"Right. Since he'll be yours and they're his, they'll be your people, too."

"Exactly. And it is my duty as their master to make them feel safe in their new home." Again, she shot him that look and he raised a hand before she could start arguing with him. "I will borrow your idea. Jason can continue to look after the little cat. While he cannot teach her about being a leopard, he can teach her about being a lycanthrope. Perhaps his friendship with Nathaniel will work to show her that not all leopards are like those Belladonna keeps."

"Okay. I see what you mean. But that only takes care of Gin. What about Jo?"

"I believe I know the perfect person to help her over her fear of vampires."

Anita cocked her head at him. "Who?"

"Asher." He watched her mouth open and close as she searched for something to say. Nothing was forth coming. "I saw her face when she stepped out of the car. Something about him caught her attention. She stared at him and forgot to be afraid. Even if it was for just a second or two. She was not afraid of him."

"But Asher has such a volatile temper at times. He might hurt her."

"You know that he would never injure her. There are wounds he still carries that we will never be able to heal. I believe she can do what we cannot." She could only stare at him. He smiled and motioned with one hand. "If his charming personality fails, he can always attempt to seduce her."

"You really think that will work?" she asked, finally pacing over to where he stood. He took her in his arms and hugged her close. When she turned her eyes up at him, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. She pulled back from him, a sultry look on her face.

"Come, ma petite. We should not ignore our guests. I wish to see how they are mingling with everyone."

"Jean Claude," she began.

"Later, ma petite."


Remy watched the bodies flow past him, his mind only vaguely aware of them. His senses were centered on Gin, who was still at the side of the young blonde who'd been at the airport. He knew why the man had been there and, if Anita didn't seem to dislike him so much, he would have thanked her for asking that the wolf be present. The fact that she was willing to talk to him, to let him touch her and show her around, was enough to put a smile on his face. He'd been worried that she would be unable to accept any lycanthrope's touch after what Ivan and Dmitri had done to her, but it seemed that her only problem was with the leopards.

Someday, he'd pay Belladonna back for allowing her people to abuse the girls as they saw fit. And if any of her leopards were still alive, he'd pay them back, too. They deserved nothing less than death for what they'd done. Not just to Gin, either. Jo had suffered at their hands. Perhaps not in the same manner as the other woman had, but she'd suffered. But where the leopards had been abusive with her, Belladonna and Darious had been cruel. They'd taken her spirit and nearly crushed it.

Even now, Jo clung to his arm, her body pressed up against his as close as she could get it. The few times that another vampire had walked past, she'd inched even closer. He'd tried to suggest she go to the table that held the food and make herself a plate, but she wouldn't let go of him long enough to do so. He was worried that she wasn't going to eat at all. "When de last time you eat, cher?" he asked her softly.

"I had lunch this afternoon before my stupid nap," she told him. He felt her tense as another vampire passed them by. It was the blonde who'd met them outside when they'd arrived. He watched Remy with narrowed eyes, barely taking note of Jo until she shifted beside him. Then the man's pale stare turned on her and held her in place. To Remy's surprise, Jo didn't try to hide behind him. Instead, he felt a sense of curiosity and sorrow rising from her. She actually lifted a hand, as if she was going to touch him, then jerked it down to her side when she remembered that she was afraid of the strange vampire. He offered her a faint hint of a smile, then passed them by.

"Dere somet'ing wrong?" he watched the blonde go.

"No." She shook her head to emphasize her denial, but both the motion and the word came too fast to be strictly truth. He was tempted to slip into her mind and try to sort out what she was feeling. But chances were good that she didn't know just what it was she was feeling. Until she figured it out, asking her would only invite a fit of temper and an attempt on her part to block him out. So he let it go and simply cast his gaze about the room again.

"You know dere humans here, right?" he asked, his voice low so no one else heard him.

"This is a vampire lair. Of course there are humans here," she returned in a tone that suggested he should know she would be aware of the fact. He almost smiled, but held it back and turned her to look at him.

"So you go and talk to dem. Stop hiding."

"I'm not hiding," Jo snorted. He cocked a disbelieving eyebrow at her in response. "I'm not hiding. I just don't feel very sociable."

There was something in her tone that prevented a quick reply. Instead, he studied her face intently, sifting through the emotions rolling off her. He could sense fear and sorrow on her, taste the regret and guilt. Under it all, though, was a deep sense of self-loathing. Suddenly, he understood what held her back. She was afraid of what these people would think of her for what she'd been forced to do, afraid that they'd look upon her with revulsion and hate for her role in so many deaths.

"What happened in New Orleans, Jo. Dat not you fault. Don' blame youself for her twisted games," he whispered softly. She blinked at him, then looked away. He thought he saw tears in her eyes. If they were there, she stubbornly refused to let them fall. Heaving a sigh, he searched for the words that would convince her.

"There you two are!" Gin's voice cut across his thoughts. Remy watched her approach, the blonde wolf still at her side. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bright. There was a plate of food in one of her hands, a drink in the other. "Aren't you going to join the party?"

"I'm not in the mood," Jo told her quietly. He watched as worry flashed across Gin's face and her gaze flicked from her friend to Remy. He shook his head at her, which brought a frown to her face. He watched her eyes shift to the blonde beside her. That one offered her a slight smile before turning to look at Remy. He gave the other man a brief nod and watched as the lycanthrope stepped up beside Jo. She didn't shrug off the hand that he laid on her shoulder.

"You should mingle. Enjoy the food. Jean Claude threw this little party in your honor." Jason's voice held a great deal of enthusiasm and no small amount of persuasion. He turned Jo to stare at the gathered throng and made a motion with one arm meant to encompass all of it. "I think you might offend him if you didn't at least try the buffet."

"I'm not a mingler." Her meaning was clear.

Jason frowned at that and Remy watched his blue eyes latch onto the remnants of the bite mark at her throat. "Not all vampires are like that," the blonde told her softly. "Jean Claude isn't like that. You're among friends here. I can swear to you that none of Jean Claude's people will hurt you. If they do, they have to deal with him."

"I don't know him well enough to trust him or anything he says."

"I do. He won't let anything happen to you. I've been his pomme de sang for a long time now. And he's never hurt me. He's never hurt anyone."

She frowned and looked at the blonde. "Pomme de sang?"

"It translates to 'apple of blood.' It means I'm his personal snack." When his words drew another frown, he hastened to explain. "Its a position of honor with the vampires. I donate blood to him when he needs it and, in return, I'm protected. If another master were to visit, it would be an insult if he or she were to try and take my blood. Jean Claude could take it as a breach in etiquette and punish them accordingly."

"You donate blood willingly?" she gaped.

"Yes," Jason nodded, then a slow grin spread across his face. "Its almost as good as sex."

Jo blinked at him, disbelief easy to see in her eyes. Jason stare for a moment or two, then glanced at Gin and Remy. He turned back to Jo and motioned with one hand to Remy. "You haven't donated blood to him before?"

"Yes, but that's different."

"How?" The blonde cocked his head, awaiting her explanation.

"He cares about me. I care about him. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me."

Jason nodded at her answer and motioned again to the people milling around the room. "Do any of these people look like they're afraid to be here? Do any of the vampires look like they're filled with raging blood lust? Do you see any lycanthropes attempting to terrorize the humans in the room?"

Remy watched as Jo carefully let her eyes rove over the party goers. He knew that she was using not only her eyes but that other sense of hers, listening and feeling people out. She took her time, putting out of her mind the three of them as they stood behind and beside her so that she could give her full concentration on everyone else. He was aware of Gin exchanging looks with Jason, then her gaze sought his. There was a soft shimmer of hope in them. He offered her a smile. The wolf seemed to know what needed to be said and when. He briefly considered thanking Anita for asking the young man to be there, but decided against it. He was more than certain that she hadn't done it for him.

After several long minutes, Jo's gaze had moved across each and every one of the people present and had come to rest on the same blonde who had passed them by earlier. She opened her mouth as if to ask a question, then shook her head and finally gave her attention back to the three of them. "No one feels as if they're here against their will."

Her words surprised him, rendering him speechless for a few seconds. Then he made a motion with his hand. "That's because no one is. Everyone was invited to this party. Not forced. None of these people will hurt you. If they do, they have to deal with Jean Claude. Trust me. No one wants to do that. He's had a long time to come up with ways to punish people if they misbehave."

"Come get something to eat. You need to keep up your strength. You're still recovering from a concussion," Gin told her as she moved up to slip an arm around her shoulder. The redhead turned to look at her friend and Remy saw it when she rolled her eyes. He chuckled softly and moved forward to rest one hand on a shoulder of each girl.

"Come, petits. We go an' mingle wit' de others, hmmm?"

The four of them moved easily through the small clusters of people scattered around the room. Jason introduced them to everyone, then stepped back and allowed for conversation to flow without his instigation. Remy made note of the way the other vampires watched him, as if they weren't sure he should be trusted yet or not. Gin didn't have problems with any of the lycanthropes present because none of them were cats. Most of them were wolves, though there were a few rats. When they got close to any of the vampires, Jo stood close to him and didn't speak unless she was spoken to directly. He thought it an improvement over her cowering behind him as she had earlier.

They were assaulted by some of the humans present when they reached the table. A petite redhead and two brunettes joined them almost as soon as they made it to buffet line. A slight shift of power had Remy glancing over his shoulder to find that the master had returned, Anita at his side. There was a sense of calm certainty around the man's shoulders, while the woman at his side was less than pleased about something. And both of them were watching Remy and his little group.

"My name is Amanda," the redhead was saying when Remy gave his attention back to the people around him. She motioned with one hand to the brunette at her side, a woman in a green dress and a sense of gentle peace around her. "This is Kimberly and that's Susan over there."

"I'm Gin and this is Jo." Remy watched as she hugged her friend to her side before turning to him. "And this is Remy."

"Its good to meet you." Amanda smiled at him.

"De pleasure all mine, cher," Remy assured her with a smile of his own. She looked at the other two women and grinned.

"He's a charmer, isn't he?" she asked, her attention going to Gin and Jo.

"You have no idea," Jo replied dryly, drawing a chuckle from his throat. All five women turned to study him a the same time, their eyes focused and intent. It gave him the distinct feeling that he was pheasant under glass. "But he's easy on the eyes and he has a really great ass."

"Ladies," Jason broke in, drawing all of the attention to himself. "Remy, Gin and Jo have come in from New Orleans. Remy is going to be part of Jean Claude's kiss."

"New Orleans wasn't to your liking?" Susan stared at them.

"Oh, we liked it," Gin replied, careful to keep any expression from her face and her tone even. "It didn't really agree with us. A friend of ours suggested we try coming here. Jean Claude was kind enough to say yes when asked."

"Well, you'll like it here. Jean Claude is good to his people." This came from Kimberly. She was regarding them thoughtfully, as if she knew that there was more to the story than she'd been told. He carefully felt her out and found that she carried a gift of her own. She was using it, though subtly, to feel the three of them out. He didn't think that Gin or Jo were aware of it. "I will tell you that no one gets a free ride. He'll probably put you to work some place."

"As long as it doesn't require dancing, I don't care," Jo muttered under her breath. He felt a slight stab of disquiet from her, but it slipped away almost as quick as it came and she turned her attention back to the plates of food on the table before her. He was pleased to note that she was putting a good amount of food on her plate.

"What kind of work?" Gin asked. Perhaps she did so to distract anyone from Jo's comment.

"Well," Susan began, flashing them a big smile. "He employs me as his head seamstress. Which pretty much covers making clothes on demand for every single one of his people. Dance costumes, normal wear, special occasion garments. Anything he dreams up, I'm his go-to girl. Chances are good you'll eventually find yourself in something I've made."

"I manage the Circus," Kimberly began, then stopped and glanced across the room. "Well, technically, Asher manages the Circus. I'm the Assistant Manager and I mostly deal with the employees. It isn't glamorous, but I enjoy it and I'm always invited to the best parties."

"I eat fire," Amanda told them with an unrepentant grin on her face. She gave them a moment to digest it before continuing. "I'm one of the side show freaks. Its like a real circus. Only stranger. And when I'm not eating fire, I'm playing pin cushion to Wicked over there."

She waved her hand in the general direction of a pair of vampires. One had brown hair, the other had blonde. Both had blue eyes. The blonde was watching them silently while the darker headed vampire spoke to him on some subject. Amanda turned to look at them finally and offered a smile. The blonde, obviously Wicked, returned the look before giving his full attention to the man at his side. "That's his brother, Truth. You rarely see the two of them apart." The look on her face suggested, should Truth be by himself, that Wicked was likely other wise occupied.

Jo must have made a face or perhaps she'd shifted. Gin picked up on it and made an obvious attempt to soothe her without actually seeming to do so. "Pin cushion? You donate blood to him?"

Amanda laughed. "Yes. I also sleep with him when the mood strikes him. We're dating. At least, I guess that's what you would call it. I've never really given it much thought before. We just enjoy one another's company."

He watched as Gin and Jo looked at one another again. Remy could almost see the wheels in their heads turning. He didn't think that they'd overcome everything Belladonna had done to them in one night, but he hoped that this little party Jean Claude had thrown would help them on their way. He stood silently behind them and watched while Jo put food on her plate, then Jason motioned them over to one of the pristine white couches that sat empty. Jason took the corner and Gin settled in beside him. Remy sat next to her, leaving the other corner for Jo. She sat as close to him as she could, then turned her attention to the plate of food in her hands. It was only moments later that the three women joined them, settling into the couch across from them.

Remy was content to let everyone around him fall into conversation. It gave him an opportunity to give his attention to everyone else in the room, quietly and carefully looking for swirls of emotion that would give him some hint as to what they'd truly gotten themselves into. He was mildly surprised to find nothing more than idle curiosity and a bit of displeasure. Nothing that would put him on his guard just yet. He also took care to notice that Jean Claude and Anita were speaking to every vampire in the room while avoiding the three of them. Interesting.

He paid enough attention to the conversation around him to know that both Gin and Jo had relaxed around the other three women, though he felt Jo stiffen whenever one of the other vampires drew near. Gin was asking subtle questions about their host and the people he kept around him, trying to learn everything she could. He knew that Jo was listening, most likely paying closer attention than she seemed to be. She was doing her best to give the impression that she was busy eating the food on her plate.

"I trust you are getting to know one another well?" Jean Claude's voice was low and pleasant, but there was a hint of knowledge to it that told Remy the man had asked the three other women to join the party specifically to engage Gin and Jo in conversation and try to bring them out of their shells.

"Of course we are, Jean Claude. How could you possibly even think otherwise?" Kimberly smiled up at him.

"I know how difficult it can be when one has been thrust into a new, uncertain situation," he replied, his gaze roving over Remy and the women around him. Then he cast his glance at Jason. The young man stood and looked at the trio occupying the other couch. It was obviously some kind of sign, because the three of them rose to their feet and offered smiles to everyone.

"It was really great to meet you all. I hope we can get together more later." Amanda smiled at them.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing a great deal of each other," Kimberly added.

"I'll fit you for clothes later," Susan grinned, then the three of them followed after Jason, leaving them alone with Jean Claude and Anita. Wordlessly, they took the couch that had just been vacated. Remy felt Jo stiffen again and this time, she crept closer to him. Even Gin seemed to be less relaxed than before.

"I hope you have been enjoying yourselves," Jean Claude began.

"Of course we have," Gin replied politely.

"Very good. This little get together was put on to make you feel more at home. I realize that this is a big change for all three of you and it is my hope that you will consider this your home now." There was sincerity to his words. And something else. Remy wasn't exactly sure what it was, but he knew there was more to come than just this seemingly simple welcome.

"It was kind of you to offer us your protection," Gin said evenly. A faint smile twitched at the corners of the other vampire's mouth. His lips went still that hint of amusement slid away.

"Kindness has little to do with it. Ma petite was insistent that you be offered sanctuary here. She believes that Belladonna would kill you if the opportunity was given to her." Jean Claude stared at each of them in turn, his eyes deep and dark. "I will provide this sanctuary to you. But I must be certain that you mean no harm to my kiss."

"I don't think we can do much to your kiss." Jo's voice held a hint of anger and her usual lack of diplomacy. Remy turned to see that she hadn't lifted her eyes from her plate. "The last time I took on a vamp, she made mush of my brains. I was told I'm lucky to be here. Trust me. I can't do squat to your kiss."

"No matter what you think, you and your master pose a threat to my people and myself," Jean Claude replied coolly. His words brought Jo's head up so that she stared at the vampire across from them. Before she could voice the question Remy felt bubbling around her, the other man went on. "I will not expose those who depend upon me to unnecessary danger."

"Then why the fuck are we even here?" Jo snapped the words out, her tone grating. Beneath the contempt and anger, Remy could sense her fear.

"Where are you to go?" Jean Claude countered. "Your friend will soon shift for the first time. She needs to be with someone who can help her. She needs someone who can make it easier for her. And your master requires training that Belladonna refused to give him. He cannot be let loose on the world without being taught how to be a vampire and how to survive."

"And you're going to do this out of the kindness of your heart?" Jo snorted. Jean Claude regarded her silently for sometime before offering a smile.

"That, my dear, depends entirely upon you."

wanna catch up on all my stuff? check this link out. its got everything! The Ultimate ldf Fic Index

character: jason schuyler, character: jo, character: amanda, character: omc, character: remy lebeau/gambit, character: gin, universe: marvel, character: kimberly, character: micah callahan, universe: anita blake, character: jean claude, character: susan, character: anita blake, fiction: crossover, subject: fan fiction

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