just to keep things straight and all...
Title: Murky Waters
Fandoms: the Harry Potter Universe
Rating: no one under 18. there will be sex and dirty language and whatever else i feel like tossing in here.
Warning: as i said, sex and dirty words.
Disclaimer: i do not own Draco or Lucius or Severus or... *wibbles* what do i own? i don't own Illiana. she belongs to Madam Shark. i do own Kendra, but that isn't saying much. not in the grand scope of things. all recognizable character from Harry Potter belong to the talent Jo Rowling and, as such, she has all the money. i have none of it. meaning, i make nothing in the writting of this. no money, no fame or glory. no... damn, why am i doing this again? oh yeah. right. the lovely, nice comments people leave me. and the adulation. um, is there any of that in this? no? bugger.
Author's Notes: this is probably still rough. and i don't know for sure that it was beta-ed. it may have been. but i doubt it. i'm pretty bad about having people look over my stuff...
Chapter One: The First Annual Quidditch ExpoChapter Two: Let The Games BeginChapter Three: Who's Hunting Who?Chapter Four: Dancing Is A Contact SportChapter Five: Primal LustChapter Six: Warnings and WondersChapter Seven: Pompous PatriarchsChapter Eight: MisunderstandingsChapter Nine: The Bite of the DragonChapter Ten: The HorrorChapter Eleven: The Definition of DeviousChapter Twelve: Playing With PotionsChapter Thirteen: Broken Spell, Shopping Hell and Wedding BellsChapter Fourteen: Dinner With the MalfoysChapter Fifteen: Chaos, Panic, Disorder. Her Work Here is Done