Dec 02, 2007 15:35
woo hoo!!!!
i've managed to get yet another chapter done. despite having a raging cold and no home at present, i'm still plugging away at my chapters. just yesterday, i finished up the next installment of The Harlequin. it took me longer than i wanted it to. i had this lovely scene between Harry and Lucius that played in my head for well over a week before i could get it down. i think it turned out well enough. only time will tell on that one. hopefully soon, people. keep your fingers crossed.
now, i'm on to that chapter of Shadows Of The Night that i've had started for i don't know how long. *sighs* too many other things got in the way of what i was doing and i set the old stuff aside for the new. now i've got to get my brain back into what i was trying to do with this chapter when i put it down. thinking isn't coming to me easily because of my cold, i think. but i'm trying. i'd really like to get moving on this chapter because i still have to come up with chapters for She Said What? and Arianrhod's Vessel.
i have some basics for the two of those. my mind, however, is clouded with things to go into the next chapters of fics i've already gotten out of the way. sometimes, it sucks to write in an ever revolving circle. one after the other until i make a complete circuit, then i start all over again. i don't know how long i can keep up with six fics. and i certainly don't know how long its going to remain six fics. because there's a wicked nasty Lucius bunny in leather nibbling at the back of my brain who keeps demanding as much equal attention and love as the rest of my bunnies. they're rotten, mean little critters. but i still love them. i mean, they are mine, after all. and they are just as weird and evil as i am.
one friend keeps telling me i'm brilliant, but scary. she has no idea. needless to say, my bunnies kind of mirror that. most of them are scary. but they come in handy and i do my best to put them to good use. i guess its good enough, because i have more than i know what to do with.
my brain must be a great place to live......
subject: update,
writing: slash,
universe: harry potter,
subject: fan fiction