Beyond Death: a supplemental

May 24, 2017 21:13

so i've finally... FINALLY... finished the bunny that ate my brain. all three chapters are posted and ready for reading. yes. that's right. THREE chapters. this fucking thing would not fucking die. and now you get a supplemental post. because i need to do this. for reasons

everything from here on out will be under a cut to save people's friends page because... holy shit. lots of images coming. please bear with me. and... don't kill me?

so... the bunny was simple in its inception, really. a costume/masked ball. and then my brain grabbed hold of it and said "wait! i can make this so much better!" by better, it really meant worse. because what was supposed to be a simple ball with pretty costumes evolved into three chapters of plot for one event. including shit i drew out on paper. and then a whole bunch of looking at fantasy clothes to come up with what everyone wore to this event. and then actual plot snuck in there! gasp i know, i know. how dare this bunny give me actual plot

if you've read the chapters, you'll have an image in your head already. if not, you get to take these images with you. i only hope i've done everything justice. sometimes its so hard trying to describe things and do it accurately. and not boringly. so...

first up will be the men. because there are fewer of them, thus it should be easier. in theory, anyway.

this is the look i chose for Jean Claude (i really hope i did this one justice):

i liked the look and i felt it fit the vibe of the party i was going for. the mask he's wearing in the fic is similar, but not quite the same

next is Asher. i really wanted to put him in something elegant and regal and this is what i found when looking. i really liked this look for him and he was the first one i thought of when i saw this ensemble:

you can disregard the leggings bit in the bottom right. i did not use that look for him

next up is Damian. not the best image, but i hope it gets across what i was shooting for with him:

i liked this one for him because i felt it kind of called back to his days as a Viking (in a very weird kind of way)

this is what i chose for Wicked and Truth:

also, Edward's costume is pretty similar.

sadly, i do not really have reference photos for what i put Richard, Rafael, Jason, Micah, and Nathaniel in. hopefully your imaginations can supply a decent image of what they were dressed up for this masked party. and yes. there is a theme. why do you ask? now. on to the women.

up first, Aedan. and you do not know how long i debated between this costume and something else that would have fit just as well. ultimately, i went with this one because i felt it was less restrictive and i ended up liking the style of the garment better. front view:

back view:

i was really enchanted with the way this looked. just... such an amazing costume design.

next is Minette. i tried for something a little different for her and this one is the one that said "Minette" to me. front view:

and back view:

next is Janika. i went with something really kind of Fae-ish for her.

and a more detailed view, including the back:

i really wanted Janika's gown to be light and airy and fit for a Faerie queen or an ancient Goddess

next is Rhiannon. i'm sure Nan will kill me for this, but i went with this one because Rhia is a natural witch, and she's an Earth or Nature witch. and... i don't know. this one just kind of screamed Earth witch aesthetic to me:

sadly, this is the only view offered, so we don't know what the back looks like. you'll just have to use your imagination on that one.

and finally, we have Isis. i am just in love with this one (and all of them, really) and i wanted to give Isis, who is, to me, always strong and in control, something that spoke to fun and femininity and not being herself for just a little while. the front view:

and a second view:

the detail is amazing and i really, really tried to describe everything to the best of my ability. of course i made tweaks to everyone's clothing. but i hope i got the general idea across with everything. just so you know, all of these amazing garments were made by JoEllan Elam, who goes by firefly-path on her websites and social media accounts. you should really go check her work out because she is so amazing and talented. the best place to see her clothes is here and you can find links to her webpages and other sites on the sidebar. just click on the gallery and hold on to your hats because you will get lost for hours on end.

so there it is. what everyone wore to the party. i'm done now. absolutely drained. because ARGH! three chapters! for something that was supposed to be only one! i hate my fucking brain.

fiction: beyond death, idea: plot bunnies, idea: mary sue virus, subject: clothing

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