Title: Like Home, part two
Universe: something like the Marvel Universe, leaning mostly toward the Movie!Avengers branch.
Pairings: Miri/Phil, Alex/Clint
Rating: um... i'm going to have to say a solid R. mostly language. lots of language.
Warnings: language and violence.
Disclaimer: the recognizable characters contained herein are the property
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i don't know if Miri would fall apart in the predictable sense. that doesn't seem her style. i'm sure she did her version of falling apart at some point. but you're right. she'd never let anyone else see that. and i would like to think that this is the kind of reaction we'd have gotten from Alex if the situations were reversed. they're not agents for no good reason, after all.
i firmly believe that Clint, being who he is, would do his best to hide that part of him from everyone. but the people who know him best would see if for what it was. i also figured that if anyone knew what Miri was feeling, it was him. so that last line made perfect sense to me. and yeah. she might have asked him along. i'm sure that would have gone over well after everything was said and done.
i expect neither Phil nor Miri are good patients.
i really hate that i can't write the fight scenes like i see them in my head. they're so much more vivid and complex. so much more... complete. everything i put on paper feels like a really pale shadow of what i want. but i'm glad it worked for you. yeah. couldn't let Miri not get a shot in. and i really did like the whole thing with the vibranium knife. Alex is probably jealous. i figured nothing short of their first date would convince her it was Phil.
yes. jokes about being dead are bad. i expect Miri will show him just how bad when he's healed. and i'm really glad the reunion worked for you. i really kind of like that last line...
so glad you enjoyed, bb. thanks for giving it a go. i got long winded again.
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