Title: No Going Back
Chapter Three: Ignoring the Signs
Fandom: something like the Marvel Universe, leaning mostly toward the Movie!Avengers branch
Rating: 18 and up
Warnings: language. sex. possible violence. pregnancy. eventual baby cuteness. Alex's family. anything else can throw in to the story
Disclaimer: the recognizable characters and places
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Mary Magdelaine is a real piece of work. and its a little difficult and amusing for me to write her parts because i know just how much she loves Alex. and i know how annoying her constant harping on a husband and children is for Alex. this might be why i've got different things going on in different extensions of this 'verse. who knows? the main bone of contention between Alex and her mother is the fact that Mary Magdelaine doesn't seem to realize that Alex knows what she wants and what she's capable of.
there have been many parallel lines drawn between the girls in this 'verse and those that inhabit Sex and the City. Daz and i have decided that, without question, Elsa is the Charlotte of the bunch. so its only appropriate that she's all bubbly and excited about the ring and the baby and her man. remember when i asked you which diamond cut you liked? this was why. i was considering ignoring the heart and just making it a marquis cut. but then Daz suggested the Claddagh and there you go.
i think there will be more exploring of everyone's emotions and feelings and all as the story progresses. because some of the things you know from the main canon story haven't been applied here yet. so no one knows why Alex left other than Fury and possibly Phil. there is a lot of stuff to cover and i haven't got a plan at all. but i'm sure i'll get there.
Phil and Miri. yeah. there's hotness there. but, believe it or not, that whole scene does serve a purpose beyond just throwing in random smut. you'll see.
so glad you enjoyed, bb. thanks for reading.
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