oh, hey! look at how i waste my time!

May 07, 2012 20:08

so you all know just how dangerous it is when i'm left to my own devices for too long, right? more often than not, bad things happen. well... guess what? some not really bad but definitely not really necessary things happened today. and then there was ... this.

what this is is a walk through the Mutant Sue Virus and all of its many permutations. did you know that, to date, there have been thirty two different stories written in the universe? yes. seriously. we, as a group, have written thirty four different stories that happen with this world that Gin created. being that i'm anal retentive at the best of times, i thought i'd put the stories together in a kind of timeline/list.

and then try to explain why i ordered things this way.

so for those of you who are unendingly curious (or dreadfully bored), have a look under the cut to find out what kind of random, unneeded shit goes through my brain.

... never mind i'm supposed to be working on fic at this very moment.

this is more important!

First on the list is In the Name of the Goddess. i know this seems an odd place to start, but this is where the base of this entire universe starts for me. set roughly two thousand years ago (give or take but who's counting?), Goddess is, essentially, the tale of six sisters and how they found love.

of course they're not just any sisters. and there really is more going on than just falling in love. because you have six immortal Goddesses mixing their magical blood with the mortal world. Deryn, Heulwen, Rhosyn, Morgan, Faye, and Gwynedd are the very beginnings of what will eventually become our modern day Sues. not just the Sues themselves, but their powers and personalities. for me, everything they are can be traced back to this story.

the six of them are bound to that other world where magic and power walk hand in hand. but by the end of Goddess, they will be bound to the earth and the mortals that dwell in it, too. because each of them finds a mortal soul to love and give themselves to. each of them learns that there are some fates one shouldn't and can't avoid. and there are reasons to go on in the face of lost love. these women are by no means powerless and weak. each weilds their own power with skill and ability that cannot be matched. but each has a heart and each is given the chance to discover that they aren't so very different from the mortals they lord over.

some of the powers assigned here remain the same as the centuries tick by. some morph into something not quite the same, but not entirely new and different, either. the important thing is that the powers follow them to the here and now and the same blood that flows in the veins of the Goddess versions flows in the veins of their modern counterparts.

the very same blood.

which brings me to the story i'm putting second on the list. A Story for Tamlyn i don't know if anyone other than myself has seen this but Gin wrote it a few years back as a way to kind of explain who Faye was and how she ended up as part of Morgan's life. which, of course, prompted some conversation between Gin and i about Morgan and Faye and how they related to Dare.

you all know how important Morgan and Faye are to Dare. but you likely don't know why. i'm going to explain it here. forgive me if i ramble or it doesn't make sense. its been probably three years since Gin and i talked about this.

the general idea in Gin's story is that Faye is explaining to Tamlyn how she came to be tied to the mortal race. put simply, she fell in love with a mortal child and, eventually, with the man he grew to become. it hurt her when this long love took a mortal wife, but he loved her dearly and Faye had no wish to see him saddened. which is why, when it was discovered that his beloved couldn't give him any children, Faye went to the woman and made a deal with her. they became one and Faye gave them children. children that carried her blood. who, in turn, went forth into the world and had children of their own and kept Faye's bloodline alive.

Gin and i discussed this at length and finally decided that the reason for the bond between Morgan and Dare is because Dare's family is descended from one of Faye's first children. there were two sons and two daughters and the oldest son, the first born, is the one who began Morgan's line. one of the other children is responsible for Dare's line. this is why Faye can form a link with Dare almost from the beginning.

what i came up with on my own is that the Faye in this story is the same Faye from Goddess, though much diminished and nearly forgotten. and that means that there is some kind of bond between all five of the modern Sues because they're all descended from the same line.

with me so far?

next up isSeduction. its set in the very late 1500s. there is quite a bit of time jumped between this and the last entry, but that's only because no one has written anything to go between Goddess and Flight. (no. i'm not doing it. and you can't make me)

this story is set before the main body of Flight and explains a major plot point that comes out later in the midst of everything in Flight. beyond that, its pretty pointless for advancing the timeline other than to explain why 1600s Dare reacts to modern day Remy the way she does.

Need is set some months (still the late 1500sP) after Seduction and gives a quick view into the complicated love/hate relationship Dare has with Anthony Stark. again, there isn't anything in this that really advances the timeline, but it is another window into Dare's soul. and Stark's feelings for her.

technically, The Flight of the Valkyrie can go after The Mutant Sue Virus because its events happen between that and Shadows of Sin. however, timeline wise, it belongs here, because the girls in this fic are alive in this time period. Flight is set right about 1600, during the reign of Elizabeth I. there are mutants in this world, though they're called Witch Breed and are widely feared by those people who don't understand the idea of mutations. which, is to say, pretty much everyone.

it is no coincidence that Remy ends up with the 1600 versions of people he knew from his present. and because the girls are all related by blood, they have once more found a way to each other. also, there are many familiar faces that pepper the world and serve to confuse Remy a great deal. imagine waking up in another time to find the same people that you knew elsewhere, but none of them know you. and you have to adapt.

there are actually other fics that could be slotted in here, things i've written, but they haven't been published and so it would be kind of stupid to add them here when you don't know what i'm talking about. i realize that Gin's story can go on that list, but the idea behind it and the ideas she and i discussed because of it were important enough to warrant its mention here.

so now we fast forward some two hundred sixty years to Rebel Yell. yes, this is very definitely an AU because there are no powers involved and perhaps i should have listed it as an aside at the end, but i feel it fits here because not every generation will result in a mutation. right?

the end of Flight, if i ever get there, will make this one more understandable, once again you have all five girls sort of finding one another. not only that, but some of the same men they'll know in the future feature heavily in this one.

as i've only got one chapter done of this so far, there isn't much i can say here other than it should prove an interesting study in character development based simply on the time frame i've set this in. there's no way those girls could confront the Civil War and not come away changed...

set years after Flight ends, we have Gifts From the Heart, in which Rosemary and James spend Christmas alone on a lush tropical island. it was written as a gift fic for Nan for Christmas a couple years ago.

Maiden Voyage happens about fifty years later. we all know the story of RMS Titanic and her ill-fated first, last, and only voyage. the idea for this came out of the notion that i wanted to see what Dare would look like in Edwardian attire. again, this is very much AU because there are no powers involved, but it does still fit into the timeline pretty damned well.

the amazing thing about this, and the previous story on the list, is the ability to go back and dip into events that actually happened, to try and imagine how they looked to the people of the time and how characters that had evolved in a modern world would fit and how they would act as someone who had been born to the day and age. and to see what things looked like through their eyes.

isn't it amazing how Fate just keeps throwing the five of them together like that? curious.

this brings us up to Letters Home. yes, its only thirty years later and that isn't a whole bunch of time between stories/events. but it is possible for it to have worked that way. as with the last two, this is AU and should likely not be here, but it does fit and part of the challenge of doing this is finding a way to fit everything in.

this story exists because of Daz's brilliance and i love the idea of 40s era Sues, without their powers, trying to cope with the fact that the world as they know it is literally changing before their eyes. everyone is at war with everyone. everyone is suspect. men are dying daily, leaving women husbandless and children fatherless. everything is chaotic and in flux and the women left behind are forced to find ways to move from one day to the next.

there are, again, many familiar faces in this one even though its only five chapters long so far. its sure to be full of emotions. happy and sad.

another hop forward twenty five years brings us toFriendship Set to Music, Daz's foray into the counter culture revolution of the late 60s. again, the world is in flux. there are people fighting the war while other people are protesting the war. and our Sues are caught in the middle of it all.

this story relies heavily on the music of the time, on drugs and alcohol and sex. the girls are again brought together by Fate and circumstance. they have to navigate their own emotions while at the same time trying to live in the constantly changing and very frightening world that doesn't understand them.

this is another AU without powers, but it still fits nicely into my timeline.

which brings us to the present day events! finally! bored with this yet? if not, i commend you. i know this thing is ridiculous.

the first four fics set in the present day are the introductions we wrote to our Sues. each one gave us an inside view of what made each other's Sues tick. some were maybe a little darker than others, but they all showed us the beginnings of who our Sues were destined to become!

Roxxy's Story by Nan, Haley's Tale by Daz, Morgan Lafavre by Gin, and my own Alasdare's Life are all the introductions to four of the five (sort of six) Sues. to my knowledge, SFC never wrote an introduction to Jehnna and all we know of her past is through information supplied in Gin's fic.

the following three stories are set before the main body of Gin's fic, giving us a little bit of insight into Haley and Morgan's lives at Xavier's school before the team is formed and trying to become a legitimate X team.

Multiples was written by Daz and gives us a view of what it was like when Haley was dating Jamie Madrox. this, naturally occurred before she hooked up with Piotr.

Home is another one written by Daz, telling us how things went between Haley and Johnny. Haley would eventually break up with Johnny after a particularly bad mission in which Johnny got hurt and Haley thought it was too hard to love someone who one day might not come home to her.

Morgan's Theme: (Don't Stand So Close to Me) Gin's story about how Morgan and Kurt hooked up, despite the fact he was her teacher. which leads us into the main story of this universe and the one that started it all.

The Mutant Sue Virus, written by Gin, formally introduced us to the characters that would suddenly start to eat our brains. or some of our brains. and it sits a little past midway through on my list as we worked our way through the years.

this is the one that set all of the personalities and events have been built around, even as its been being written. we see more of the bond i spoke of earlier here. and we see just how the girls interract with one another on a large scale. we also get to see how they deal with the sitautions that pop up around them, including what they'll do for each other when one of their own is on in trouble.

Control is listed here because it follows the events of the MSV, but its actually set during Flight. i see that happening shortly after the ending of the MSV takes place, so this is a good place for this fic.

this one deals with Dare's temper and what kind of powers she's really got. could be my girl's been hding her abilities from everyone. could be that things are just spiraling out of control for her. who konws. either way, she isn't someone you really want to fuck with.

and i think she's proven this time and again.

Falling is by Daz and is an interlude between all of the really crappy things that follow the main story. in it, Haley and Piotr spend a night outside, watching a meteor shower.

... okay. so maybe they don't. but they still see stars.

Shadows of Sin was written by Gin as a trade for a fic i'm still working on for her. (and i will finish it one of these days. i hope) its set about six months after the end of the MSV. i think i was having a particularly bad hate going on for Dare at the time, so i suggested Gin give her to Vic to play with. which resulted in lots of fun things happening. my apologies that Remy got swept up in the events of the fic.

not surprisingly, Dare is even more fucked up now than she was to begin with.

Burning is set during the events of Shadows, at roughly around chapter 13. its Dare's chance to deal with the emotions that Faye didn't take from her after Victor terrorized, used, and abused her. a quick jaunt into the twisted, warped thing that is her mind.

Near Miss involves a simple trip to Avengers Mansion in New York to pick up some equipment and ends up as an opportunity for Haley to spend some alone time with one of her favorite Avengers. this takes place at a time when she and Piotr are going through one of their off again weeks.

a few months after Deirdre is born, Dare discovers a letter her mother wrote to her when she was being held by Creed in the RV. after some conversation and some consideration, she decides to give her mother a call and let her know she's okay. Going Home deals with what she finds when she sees her parents for the first time in years and just how they react to everything.

Fun in the Sun is a side fic in which Jehnna and Warren spend time alone. they go to a beach for the Fourth of July and enjoy some time together.

there isn't any real set time for these three, so i've left them pretty much where they were posted in the series on EFFN. other than mentioning that Going Home happens a few months after Dee's birth, that is.

Invasion: MSV if memory serves, this is set about two years after the main events of the MSV? i could be wrong. since Daz wrote it, i'm sure she knows better than i do. this was the story that kind of changed the face of Purple team forever because this is where Haley finally let Piotr go and returned to the love she'd never quite been able to leave behind.

there is much Johnny in this fic, including the impossible to forget scene where Dare picks a fight with Storm and, together, they set the school grounds on fire.

this is also where Haley gets pregnant the first time and she says yes to Johnny.

Invasion also gave Daz a chance to go back to previously mentioned but barely explored events in Haley's past. this time around, Jamie attends Haley and Johnny's wedding inDearly Beloved and uses the ceremony as a chance to think back on what the two of them had once had.

for a gift fic a couple years ago, Daz requested Gin write her a bit looking at Johnny and Haley's first Christmas together. that request brought us Every Snowflake, in which Johnny does his very best to make Haley's first Christmas away from her team and family as memorable as possible.

another gift fic was A Parisian Christmas. written for SFC, its the story of how Warren finally proposes to Jehnna. i'm not sure on the time for this one, though i estimate it take place shortly after Haley and Johnny get married, so perhaps it runs parallel to the events in Every Snowflake.

oh, look. more dark stuffs. Taken is set about three years after Victor first abducted Dare. he does it again, this time taking Deirdre with because he wants to meet his child. this prompts a mad search by her friends and family and dredges up feelings that have festered in silence for years.

Mission: Comfort and Cuddles takes place, i think, within the next year after Taken (i know i could find out, but i'm too lazy to pull out the timeline and check for sure so... we'll leave it at that). Dare gets to spend her time going back in time to comfort four young men in desparate need of a friend. and learning how to be a softer woman. all of this is courtesy of Loki.

well, that can't be good.

and that brings us to what i feel is the last fic in the timeline. for now. Sins of the Past. this is where everything that everyone has been through over the course of about ten years comes to a head and people find out just what lives inside of them.

because Dare's died, come back, lost her memories, and gone utterly mad. and her friends have to find a way to fix her before she kills them all.

actually, there is a fic that is meant to come after this, but it isn't finished yet. so i'm not including it. perhaps one day i'll get it done. we'll see. for now... this is the full MSV timeline.

only two fics didn't get placed within it and that's because one is so completely AU that there's no way it could begin to fit. the other is... okay, its AU, too. so yeah.

No Man's Land is so beautifully fucked up that i love it. the idea for this stemmed out of the desire to see Dare go a little crazy more often, like she did in Control. only, you know, without the control to hold her back. so she's just as powerful and she doesn't have a moral compass to speak of. which means that lots of bad shit is going to happen.

just how much sex and death and destruction can one fic hold? we're going to find out!

Dear John is the only other one that i couldn't actually place within my timeline because it doesn't really fit with anything that happened anywhere. SFC wrote a double drabble, plus extra, in which Jehnna leaves Warren. and even in NML, this hasn't happened. so it gets to sit here all by itself, alone and lonely.

poor fic.

i know this doesn't jive with the way Daz has the MSV listed on EFFN and that's cool. i'm not saying this is the official order. i leave that up to her. i'm just saying this is how i see the individual stories slotting together.

it also doesn't include any MP3 fics i've done.

also, i totally could have put in the links, but i'm totally fucking lazy and you all know where this stuff can be found anyway. so it isn't strictly necessary. and if you've stuck with it until now... wow. congratulations! this was a lot of shit to sit through.

subject: lunacy, subject: writing, subject: lists, subject: sues, subject: stories, subject: crazy brain, idea: mary sue virus, writing: projects, subject: random shit, subject: fan fiction

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