its official...

Jun 13, 2008 19:20

 i've bloody well gone insane.

there seems to be something very wrong with my head. we all know that i have evil plot bunnies. and we all know that i spend quite a bit of time plotting with Gin. every once in a while, one of us makes an offhand comment that grows into something more. its because of her that i have the Rem vampire bunny raging in my skull. and now..... she's brought LEWD to life.

for those of you who are wondering what the hell LEWD is, see the Muse Cruise for further information.

anyhoo..... with the incarnation of LEWD, i am now officially playing around with 10 fics. yes. you read that right. 10. i've lost my fucking mind. but i suppose in a good way.

so, as it stands, here's what i've got going on in my writing bull pen:

in the Harry Potter fandom:
She Said What?: Severus Snape and Hermione Granger. there is a chapter that's been started and i hope to one day finish it. and even get it posted, too. wow. i'm on a roll. *sighs*
Arianrhod's Vessel: Lucius Malfoy and an OFC, including additional pairings of these two characters with Severus Snape and Narcissa. i believe i have a chapter awaiting posting.
The Harlequin: Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy. four chapters posted, one waiting in the wings. apparently a pretty good read.
Pandora's Box: a trade fic with Ginevra. Severus Snape and an OFC. Snape finds himself saddled with a mail order bride and decides that perhaps this isn't such a bad thing after all. i haven't abandoned it. my Muse *prods Severus with his own wand painfully* has been bloody stingy with his time lately.
Cup of Serpents: Child of a Dark Heart: a single chapter, as of yet unposted. an OFC, Snape and Malfoy. maybe more. i don't know yet. we'll see when i get there.

in the Originals category:
Shadows of the Night: vampires, werewolves and various other supernatural creatures fall into the life of a single woman and turn her life upside down. as well as throw her into great danger.
The Dragon Queen: Elves and Dragons live together in the same world, though they avoid one another. until a woman from both worlds emerges to battle for her righful place in history.

in the Mary Sue Virus world:
The Mary Sue Virus: Beyond Death: what happens when five unsuspecting fan fic authors find themselves thrust into the world of Anita Blake? murder, magic and mayhem, of course. who dies and who survives? and who gets the Master of the City? gotta read to find out.

on the Muse Cruise:
Moonlight: the misadventures of my author self and my Muses when set loose on a cruise ship with very few rules.

and.... coming to a cruise near you soon something very LEWD.

so you see? i'm fucking insane and i don't seem to mind. check back later to find out if my head explodes or not. frightening brilliant or barking mad? you be the judge

subject: lunacy, subject: writing, subject: update, subject: fics

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