yes. i'm at it again. as i'm sitting here, trying to get my brain into gear so that i can finish the chapter i'm working on. then maybe try and come up with ideas for another. so, in the hopes of firing up some sparks (the news is so bloody depressing but i kind of can't stop myself), i'm going to do this meme. maybe this will get something moving.
i'll be nice and put it under the cut so you don't have to look at it if you don't want to. oh. i totally stole this from
brandi1498 1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up: the television. several shelves of DVDs and VHS tapes, my gaming systems, a handful of pens and a stack of spiral notebooks and a binder of loose leaf paper. i write lots of notes for my fics and i've got them all over the place. one of these days, i'm going to have to get them moderately organized.
2. What's the last thing you ate? one of those brand new Reese's unwrapped super mini peanut butter cups. it was tasty. i'm saving myself for dinner later. its the parental unit's birthday and we're planning on going to Red Lobster.
3. What are you wearing now? capris (in black), a dark red t-shirt, black undies. my skin. glasses. rings and necklaces and earrings. tattoos, too. oh, right. my hair. pony tail holder.
4. What's your occupation? i'm a mom. that's occupation enough. but i used to do pricing in a grocery store. yeah. it sucked.
5. What do you hear right now? The Closer on TNT. the barking of big dog. cars passing by on the road outside. parental unit playing Poppit on Pogo.
6. Who was the last person you hugged? probably parental unit. or spawn. i try to hug them more than once every day.
7. What was/is for dinner? see #2 above.
8. Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream (or other)? i'm more a Tin Roof kind of girl. though there are some others that i do like. chocolate is always a good one if there are no fancy flavors available.
9. When did you last see your sibling(s)? um... what year is this? i think the last time was 2003. when my grandmother died. we were pall bearers. my brothers are more interested in my mother than me. so... *shrugs*
10. What websites do you always visit when you go online? my start page, Facebook for morning games, then Pogo for more morning games. LiveJournal, EFFN.
11. What was the last thing you bought? food. cos, you know, gotta eat.
12. Do you think your name suits you? not in the slightest. i hate my name. then again... i don't know that any name suits me.
13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? hmm... probably right where i'm at?
14. What TV shows do you watch too much? i guess Supernatural, Law & Order (the original and sometimes SVU), The Closer. sometimes i watch cooking shows. i try not to pay that much attention to the television but it can't always be helped.
15. How easily do you cry, and about what (apart from obviously traumatic things like losing someone you love)? dude, i cry over commercials. what does that say?
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play? i tried to learn how to play the clarinet once. and the guitar. and the bass. um... i also sing. does that count as playing a musical instrument? i don't know... piano?
17. How are you? i'm finer than frog hair.
18. What are your top three favorite bands? oh my goodness. how much time do i have for this one? Godsmack, Metallica, Evanescence, Loreena McKennit, The Mediaeval Baebes... really. the list could go on and on.
19. Who is your best friend? i don't have any real life friends. all of my friends are here on the computer. they know who they are.
20. What's your latest addiction? do i have to name just one? i have so many of them. writing, reading, music, collecting Muses like crazy... shall i go on?
21. What's the last good movie you saw? The Losers. mmmm. yeah. that was kind of tasty.