just a little bit of fic

Sep 10, 2010 21:58

since my brain is resisting my attempts to draw it into one of my regular fics and since the Muses all seem to be on vacation at the same time (go figure. two dozen plus Muses, all missing. i'm in such trouble), i thought i'd do a bit of fic using the old MP3 method. Daz was kind enough to suggest the Supervillainess verse, so here we are. the fics i came up with. but first, a refresher as to how to play the game.

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.

2. Turn on your mp3 player and put it on random/shuffle.

3. Write a mini fic about each song that you play. You start when the song starts, and stop when it has played twice. No lingering afterwards! You can finish a sentence, but that's it!

4. Do ten of these, and then post them.

check under the cut for the shit that i spewed.

Vision Thing by Sisters of Mercy   time - 7:34

The hallway stretched out before her, dark and silent. That didn't mean that it wasn't guarded against attempted thefts. Which was why she'd had Kiera get her the plans to the security system. Her friend was handy when it involved computers and security. She could find the plans to anything with enough time to poke around on the 'Net. Mystery glanced down at the floor and took note of the tiles that bore a slightly different pattern on them. Those tiles were pressure plates that would set off the alarms if one put their weight on them. Good thing she knew where they were.

Moving slowly, with great caution, she carefully maneuvered her way up the long corridor, her toes barely touching the ground before she picked them up and took another step. She had to admit that pressure plates were rather ingenious. Most people used motion sensors, which were much harder to see than movies made them out to be. But there were ways to get around those. And most people wouldn't think to use a motion sensor.

Then again, she wasn't dealing with most people.

The door loomed before her, the last barrier she had to get past before she could claim her prize. She didn't plan on leaving her empty handed. She was good at what she did and she had absolutely no desire to fail. There was a safe filled with pretty, sparkly things on the other side. Things that her fingers just itched to take, itched to make her own. Nothing was going to stop her. Nothing.

Kiera's report told her that there was a special lock on the door, one that required a bit of finesse to open without setting off the alarms. Which was why she'd brought a special set of lock picks. Not her usual ones. One hand absently pulled the slim case from her pocket even while her mind went over what she'd read in the print out that Kiera had handed her. She had to hit the tumblers just right, or there'd be nothing but defeat in her future.

Her finger tugged one of the tools from the slim case, ready to take on her last nemesis.

The lock gave easily. Almost too easily. She gave it a moment of thought, then decided that the owner was too confident in his special system. It made him think that no one would make it this far. How little the fool knew. Nothing was absolutely impregnable. Nothing. And she was far more determined than many of her contemporaries. Which was why she was so successful.

After tucking her tools into her pocket, she turned the knob and stepped into the room. Light leaking in from between the curtains gave her enough to see by as she made her way across the room to the large picture on the wall. Her goal was just behind it. Her fingers practically itched with joy.

She'd just curled one hand around the edge of the frame when the hiss of a match hit her ears. Light flared behind her, prompting her to turn. She couldn't believe her eyes. The match illuminated his face, the mocking look he wore. Shit fuck god damn it!

"Game over, Mystery." His voice was filled with triumph. "You caught. I win dis one, petit. And now I gon' claim my prize."

"What prize is that, LeBeau?" she asked, careful to keep her anger and disappointment from showing in her voice.

"You, petit. You de prize." She froze as he rose from the chair and stalked around the desk toward her. Then he was there, kissing her, and the images of sparklies running through her head were gone.

Come As You Are - Nirvana    time - 3:39

"You always throw the best parties," Mystery told Kiera as she allowed her gaze to sweep over the assembled group of fellow villains. Most of them were on her friend's client list. Mystery was really the only one who didn't use Kiera's security services. But her friend had invited her and it would have been bitchy of her to decline. Maybe she'd get lucky and Wade would crash the party. That would surely liven things up.

"You've never been able to lie to me. You're as bored as can be. I can see it in your face." Kiera shook her head. "You didn't have to come. You knew you'd be bored."

"And leave my best friend to the best of the worst without protection? You wound me, Kiera," Mystery replied, pressing one hand to her breast in a move that would have done a Victorian mother proud. "Someone needed to show up and liven this hen party up."

"You can't blow any of them up!" Kiera hissed at her.

"Party pooper," Mystery pouted. Kiera shot her a look, prompting the taller woman to sigh heavily. She held up a hand. "Scouts honor. I won't blow anyone up." Kiera eyed her as if she didn't believe her.

"You were never a Scout, Mystery. What have you got planned?"

"Nothing you need to worry your little head over. Your clients are safe from my bitchy wrath. I swear it on the dead, decaying bits of my mother's corpse."

"Keep it that way. If you blow anyone up, I'll freeze your tits off."

Mystery reached up and took hold of her boobs. "I rather like the girls right where they're at. Consider me on my best behavior." Kiera eyed her for a few moments longer then, apparently satisfied, wandered off to talk to one of her clients. Mystery smiled and pulled out her cell phone. "But that doesn't mean Wade can't liven things up a bit," she muttered as she pressed a button.

Spookshow Baby by Rob Zombie   time - 3:38

"Why the fuck did you blow him up?" Kiera asked. Mystery shrugged and reached out to pluck the gun from what was left of the guard's hand. Staring at Kiera, she tossed it away from them, then sent a small ball of energy after the weapon. It exploded into bits, pieces of flying shrapnel spraying forward toward the small contingency of cops that had tried to block their path. Another thought saw a fire hydrant going up, spraying everything around it with water. Kiera sent her own powers out to freeze the flowing water, turning it into sheets of ice.

"He called me fat!" Mystery snarled. She motioned to herself with one hand. "Do I really look fat? Seriously. Look at my body and tell me I'm fat."

"I know better." Kiera glanced around. "Get us the fuck out of here before the cops get through that ice. "We're not far from the helicopter you stole. I'd like to get the hell out of here now, please."

"Touchy, touchy," Mystery replied and blew the wall out of the building behind them. Kiera shored the opening up with ice before the two of them went through it. When they were safe on the other side, Mystery brought the ceiling down and blocked the opening.

"They're going to be after us pretty damned fast. I think that cop was high up in the ranks. We need to hightail it out of here."

"Yes, mommy. Jeez, Kiera. Get a grip. You never let me have any fun anymore."

"When you blow cops up, yes. I get touchy."

"He was just one little cop. No one will miss him."

"Remind me never to take you on a heist when you're on the rag. Your hormones are out of control."

"I told you! He called me fat! Was I supposed to let him get away with that?"

"Never again, Mystery. You're fucking dangerous when you're on the rag."

"And don't forget it," she muttered as they headed for the roof.

Pain by The Front   time - 3:03

"Hmmm. I don't think these cuffs are tight enough. Let me take care of that." Ruby's fingers slid against Mystery's skin as they sought the key that controlled the tightness of the cuffs. They'd been specially made for her and while they weren't fool proof, they were difficult as hell to get out of without destroying them. Mystery stared at the woman, eyes heavily lidded as a mix of pleasure and pain ran through her system.

"It isn't like I couldn't blow them off my wrists if I didn't want to."

"Do it and I'll take the bull whip to your ass," Ruby warned. She would, too. Mystery had made the mistake of 'accidentally' destroying one of Ruby's toys during a previous session. She hadn't been able to sit for a full day after the librarian had gotten done with her.

"Promises," she replied flippantly. Ruby stared down at her and smiled.

"Tease. Don't tempt me. You know that's not what we're here for," she said.

"I don't know what we are here for. I thought it was Rose's turn. I was going to go out and find myself a man to satisfy my itch."

"No one knows your itches better than I do," Ruby smirked. "And Rose was busy. She's working on a new formula that will be beneficial when I'm done with you."

"Now why does that sound ominous?"

"Because its supposed to. Hold still." Ruby picked up the bull whip and Mystery watched as she let it uncoil. Ooo. Fun time.

Roundabout by Yes   time - 8:33

The words on the paper had started to blur long ago. She should have given up then, but she'd been trying to make heads or tails out of what she'd found. Unfortunately, nothing was making any sense to her. Which was making her pissy. More than one pencil had met its untimely end due to her temper. The problem was there was too much scientific speak going on and she didn't understand a fucking bit of it. Where the ever loving fuck was Ria? She should have gotten there half an hour ago.

As if the thought of her was all that had been needed, the elevator came to a halt and the cage door slid up. Ria stepped out, clad in something orange and brown. She looked like an advert for fall. Glancing at the Mystery, she wisely kept any smart assed comments to herself. "What are you looking at that you can't figure out without my help?" she asked as she tossed her purse and coat into one of the empty chairs.

"I stole some papers from a lab. I don't get much of what's said on here. Just a couple of names. My mothers, the bitch. And some researcher or scientist or whatever named Fields. Everything else might as well be Latin to me." Mystery gestured to the papers spread before her with one hand.

"Fields? Dayton Fields?" Ria asked, scooping up a pile of the papers. Mystery nodded and rubbed at her eyes. "Dayton Fields is one of the foremost researches into genetic mutations in the country. How did you get his papers?"

"I told you. I stole them? For fuck's sake, Ria! Do you think I went and asked him for them?"

"I'm sorry. I forgot who I was talking to for a moment," Ria smiled and glanced around. "Where are Remy and the kids?"

"He took them to Chuck E. Cheese to play. Probably because I threatened to blow one of his testicles off." Mystery got up and went to the kitchen. Beer for herself, water for the resident evil genius.

"Thank you," Ria said absently, taking the bottle of water that Mystery offered her. She was staring intently at the papers in her other hand. "Why did you need to steal Dr. Field's papers?"

"His name came up in conjunction with mine when I had a conversation with some lab rat," Mystery popped open the beer and sucked half of it down.

"What are you looking for, Mystery? Most of these papers talk about experiments."

Mystery sighed and tried to figure out how much Ria needed to know. Chances were good she'd figure it all out anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to tell her everything. "A while ago, when I was pregnant with Jaden, I found out from Hank Pym that I'm not a normal mutant. He said I wasn't supposed to be a mutant or some shit like that. Whatever that's supposed to mean. So I started doing research. That's how I came across Fields and his work. And that's why I stole his papers. I was hoping they'd tell me something."

There was silence for a second or two, broken by the sound of papers being shuffled. "What do you want to know?"

"Did he do experiments on my mother?" It felt weird to ask it. She'd hated her mother for so long. And the thought that some stranger had done experiments on her should have made her feel giddy. It didn't. It kind of made her feel sick. Ria shook her head.

"No, Mystery. He didn't."

"Okay. So that means what? He did experiments on me?"

"You were a baby," Ria told her, nodding her head. "I'd have to read through everything, but it looks as if he started testing on you when you weren't very old. Why did you wait until now to look?"

"Because I keep developing powers. Yesterday, I accidentally set fire to a bath towel. I spent all day yesterday and the day before with Kiera and her family. I've already picked up Remy's empathy, which drives me batshit insane most days. Some come and go. I've borrowed Kiera's powers more than once. It isn't normal, even for a mutant. I had to know why I'm like this."

"In a round about way, Fields created you." Ria was preoccupied when she said it, so she missed the look on Mystery's face. "You're your mother's child, but it looks like maybe your father wasn't your father. When she gave birth, she handed you over to Fields to experiment on."

"If my dad isn't my dad, who is?"

"I don't know, Mystery. There's nothing here to say just who your father is. But your mother is your mother, if that's any consolation."

"Its a shit ton. And if I hadn't already blown the bitch up, I'd track her down and do it now."

"Can I take these papers with me, Mystery"

"Sure. What the fuck do I need them for? Just let me know what they all mean. And let me know if they tell you where Fields is at."

"Fields? Why Fields?" Ria looked up at her, obviously confused.

"Because I've got a bone to pick with the son of a bitch." She could just picture it now. The colors when he exploded would be beautiful.

The Rose by The Mediaeval Baebes   time - 1:05

"You look beautiful, Sarah." Steve smiled at her, one hand helping her into the car with ease. Mystery smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Steve," she replied, a blush staining her cheeks. He crossed around the front of the car and climbed into the driver's seat. She expected him to put the car into gear, but he instead leaned over the seat to reach into the back. "You look handsome yourself."

"This is for you." The rose was perfectly formed, still a blood red bud.

How You Remind Me by Nickleback   time - 3:44

The loft was empty, lonely. She was tired of that feeling. Nothing had been the same since the day they'd let the heroes go. Nothing had felt right since then. Fucking hell, she'd fallen in love with him.

A glass on the counter exploded just as the first tear hit the back of her hand. It wasn't fucking fair. She wasn't supposed to be in love with him. All she'd planned on doing was put him in his place. Knock him down a few pegs. Instead, the fucker had slipped past her defenses and stolen her heart right out from under her nose. If she wasn't so hopelessly in love with him, she'd blow his fucking nuts off.

Mystery rose from the chair and headed for her bathroom, intent on scrubbing the memories of him from her skin. Even now, she could feel his hands gliding over her skin, teasing and tempting her. Making promises he'd never meant to keep. After her shower, she was going to get so blind fucking drunk that she'd be sick for a week. Anything to clear her head of the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes, the feel his hands, the smell of him.

Not even the bathroom offered her solace. Standing under the spray, she was assaulted by memories of another bathroom, of what that experience had been right. Angry with herself, she scrubbed until her skin was raw. Maybe the pain would push him aside. But she could hear his voice in her head, hear his laugh as he chuckled at something she said or did. Could feel him brush his lips against her throat as he whispered what it was he wanted to do to her.

She stalked from the bathroom naked, uncaring of the water that dripped on the floor. Uncaring of anything but that bottle. She needed to forget. She needed to stop it all.

The rum was cold and choking as it went down. It started a fire in the pit of her stomach. It blossomed and exploded until her skin burned. But it couldn't touch the memories. It couldn't drive him away. She was so lost without him.

How the fucking hell could she fucking love him?

She was going to drink until she was blind fucking drunk. And then she'd forget. She had to.

Caribbean Queen by Billy Ocean   time 3:42

The ocean was a crystal clear aqua marine color that one only found in the cleanest of waters. Even the sky was a soft blue that was dotted with thick, puffy white clouds that drifted lazily across its expanse. The sand was warm beneath her towel and the umbrella over her head kept the sun from burning her skin. As did Rose's lovely smelling sun block lotion she'd put on before venturing out of the volcano.

Ria had remained inside, as had Ruby. Both had had their noses buried in some book. Kiera had come out and was currently splashing in the surf. It was a testament to Rose's creation, because Kiera always burned so easily. "Would you hand me a cold bottle of water?" Rose asked, turning to glance at Mystery. Her sunglasses ate up half of her face. Mystery tugged a bottle out of the block of ice that Kiera had created around the bottles in the cooler, then handed it to Rose. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Rose. Have I told you that I love how you made this stuff smell so much like coconuts. And the fact that I can lick it makes it all the better."

Rose chuckled. "You know everything I make is safe and biodegradable."

"Of course. But I smell good enough to eat." She paused and considered it. "Maybe you could make some kind of cream or something that smelled like this that a woman could use to entice a guy to eat at the Y."

"That's crude."

"But its what you'd expect of me," Mystery replied, utterly shameless.


"Or maybe you can make a douche that's coconut flavored."

"Oh, sure. Pour some rum and Coke up there and its a regular night out in the tropics," Rose laughed.

"I'm sure I could find someone who'd want to drink his drink that way. What about Pina Colada? That might be good."

"Go swimming and leave me alone. You're giving me ideas I shouldn't touch."

"Yeah. But you love me anyway."

Take on Me by a-ha   time - 3:47

She hated having all these people staring at her. Why had she let Kiera and Remy talk her into this? And in a fucking Catholic church. She knew better than anyone that he didn't fall back on religion unless he really needed it. Which was hardly ever. And if the priest knew what she and Remy had done last night, he'd kick them both out of the church and never let them back in. She had to give it to the Cajun. He was a very inventive lover.

It was nerve-wracking, walking the aisles with the dork side staring at her. Not many of them, mind. But enough. Especially since one of the not many was a short, hairy Canadian she was sure was descended from beavers or some shit. She didn't like the way he was looking at her. Johnny and Clint were there, as was Tony and Thor and Clint. There were a few others she didn't dare look at too long. Chances were good they'd swoop down on her and cart her off to some jail cell she couldn't explode her way out of.

But then she saw Remy, saw the way he was looking at her, and that made it all better. He looked too fucking gorgeous for words in a tux with tails. The trousers and coat were black, the vest he wore in a lovely shade of blood red that made his eyes glow. The rose bud pinned to his lapel was the same color red. It matched the roses in the bouquets she and Kiera both held. His shirt was a crisp white that darkened his tan. He'd left his hair long, the ends of it resting against his collar and shoulders. Her knees shook just enough to let her know that she'd had a mini-orgasm just looking at him.

Good thing that the huge fucking skirt of her dress hid the way she was clenching her thighs together.

The scent of flowers filled the air, as did the scent of warmed bees wax. The candles lent a golden glow to the entire affair. This was so not happening. Not to her.

And yet, there they were. In a church. And she was wearing a huge fucking wedding dress.

The gods were laughing at her. Somewhere, they were laughing.

If You Leave by Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark   time - 4:29

Her heart was breaking in her chest. It wasn't supposed to be, but it was. Remy stared at her, nothing in his eyes to give away what he was feeling. And she knew that hers were brimming with tears. Damn it, he didn't deserve to see her cry. "I got to do dis, Mystery."

"You've got to go back to that bitch?" she asked and she didn't care that she sounded bitchy, like the woman scorned that she was.

"Rogue, she love me. She probably goin' out of her mind wit'..." His voice trailed off when she shook her head at him. "Now don' look at me like dat, cher. You know dat dis day coming'.  You know dat Remy can't stay."

"I know that you're going back to someone who treats you like a piece of shit. I know that you're leaving here as if this meant nothing at all to you. I know that you're going and I don't want you to," she shot back. He sighed and reached for her. Mystery took a step back. If he touched her, she'd crumble. And then she'd beg him to stay. She wasn't going to beg anyone. Ever. If he wanted to stay, it would be his idea. Not because she pleaded with him like some little girl.

"You don' know no'ting," he snapped at her.

"You're right. I don't know a fucking thing. I don't know how I could have ever thought that anything we had was real. It was all the pheromones, wasn't it? It was all just a big fucking lie! You got what you wanted. I got what I wanted. We're both happy." She crossed her arms over her chest, hands fisted so that her nails bit into her palms. "So go the fuck back to that skunk haired bitch! Go and see if I give a shit the next time she rips your heart out of your chest. Its the very least you deserve."

"And why should I stay here? What you gon' offer me? You heart? You got no heart, Mystery. You cold and cruel. You don' care about no one but youself."

"Get out of here. Go before I forget that I promised to let you go. Go before I lose my head and blow you to pieces."

"Dat you answer to everyt'ing? You can't have you way, so you gon' blow t'ings up."

"I've got three things I want to blow up right now," she growled at him. "If you want them to remain where they are, I suggest you go now before I change my mind." He stared at her for a heartbeat, then he turned and walked away.

She watched until she knew he was gone. Only then did she let the tears fall.

subject: writing, subject: fandom, writing: mp3 fic, subject: meme, fandom: supervillainess, universe: marvel, subject: music, subject: fan fiction

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