Week of What I Did...

Mar 12, 2004 16:05

Well Monday and Tuesday I had no school so I kinda hung out with Josh and then stayed home for the other day cleaning. Then on Wed., Amanda wanted me to come over but I was already at home since Sabr has mono currently. So, she found her friend Matt who I knew as well from having him in a class last year in his Turbo Eclipse to pick me up. Got back to Amanda's and were playing with the goats and D, waiting on Perry to come home (her landlord's son who's goign to be a freshie next year at North) to show us the lake they have on the properity.

So we tramp off in the direction of the lake and Perry brought his fishing pole so we went fishing. We caught two bass and one brim for him to eat for dinner since Amanda already had chicken layed out for us to eat. Well he has to go to the meeting thing at North so we cooked one of the fish for him while he was gone and got to work on our dinnner.

She decied that we were going to have fried chicken so we start cooking it and I smell it starting to burn cuz she had the fire on too high to I went to turn it down and to flip over the chicken. Well in the process of doing all that, the chicken ploped back down in the hot oil and burnt my pinky finger that has a nice blister on it currently. Otherwise we had a really good dinner and watched Law and Order till I had to go home.

Then Thursday I hung out with Josh till he had to go to work and came home and went straight to bed. I was so tired and such. Then today Meka and Mercella invited me to go see Secret Window with them so I get to see Johnny Depp! *drools* Later all!

high school

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