
Jun 03, 2010 20:40

Is my new bedtime. If you ever start feeling sorry for yourself, think of the girl that has to get up for work at quarter to 5
Got the new creative writing marks through. The basic story is that our seminar leader gave everybody that wrote short stories firsts and everyone that wrote poetry (ie ME) 2:2s. I check my marks and they've knocked off 9 marks! It is officially the only module I did not get an overall 2:1 in and I'm fucked off. I didn't receive any decent feedback anyway when I got the first set of marks (which was a 59 for the porftolio) so how the fuck can they mark something that low without being able to say WHY??

Absolute bull crap. Creative writing has not lived up to my expectations. I would not recommend.

Oh, it's twenty minutes to my bed time so I better start winding down. ARGGHHHH. 
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