NaNoWriMo Stats - Day Four

Nov 04, 2016 23:34

So yeah a lot of writing today.  Admittedly it's partly to make up for the inevitable dip that will happen over the weekend.  This is not really due to the election but more due to taking part in disaster preparedness stuff with the Red Cross.  Saturday will be mostly gone and so Sunday will be a make up day of extreme proportions.

One might wonder when I find time to write?

The answer to that is simple-whenever I can but generally in the wee small hours. I get up at about 5 am and I write. It's something I did when I helped during the Katrina Recovery in New Orleans.  As you recall, it was a time before tablets and affordably priced smartphones. So we accessed the internet through desktops and laptops and the location where we were staying had some really old desktops.  The only time they were available were at 5 am. The volunteers got up to shower and start breakfast at 7 am.  So I had about an hour and a half of quiet to blog my experiences. I did this using the blog function on MySpace (yeah, MySpace).  Got a lot of views.

Any any rate, during NaNoWriMo, I who never could be characterized as a morning person gets up to write at that hour.

Day 4

Your Average Per Day

Words Written Today

Target Word Count

Target Average Words Per Day

Total Words Written

Words Remaining

Current Day

Days Remaining

At This Rate You Will Finish On
November 27, 2016

Words Per Day To Finish On Time

hurricane katrina, writing, nablopomo 2016, myspace, nablopomo, national novel writing month, nanowrimo, stats, blogging

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