
May 25, 2007 09:13

most of you know i keep track of the retrogrades. this summer is full of them, averaging 4 retrograding at any given time.

just as a heads up: pluto, jupiter, neptune, and chiron are ALL retrograding and will be for a while.
Pluto 03/31/07 09/07/07
Jupiter 04/05/07 08/06/07
Neptune 05/24/07 10/31/07
Chiron 04/03/07 09/10/07

on june 16th to july 10th MERCURY retrogrades (just to mix things up a lil)

on june 23rd, we add URANUS to that list

on july 27th, VENUS joins the group.

so until august 6th (when jupiter returns to normal), we will have SIX heavenly bodies going backwards.

anyone wanna know what this really means?

ok, that's all i have to say.

so yea, if you've been feeling like things have been bass ackwards, or upside down, or downside up, this would be why. and no, its not going away any time soon. so get comfy.

and because i'm so nice, and it sort of begs the question, here's what "happens" when each of the bodies goes retro:

When Chiron goes into retrograde, the potential for corruption increases. Through stealing, cooking the books or making unfair business deals. Those in positions of power put their reputations and their businesses at risk for sake of the bottom line and greed. And it's during this retrograde period that their practices can easily be caught.
Jupiter retrograde causes society to reevaluate ethics. Spiritual beliefs and positions are questioned, laws and acceptable or unacceptable behaviors are re-evaluated. Jupiter's retrograde reminds us we're all interconnected, as a society, culture and people. From this view point we see more of the things we have in common, instead of differences. We look at those behaviors that may have once been unacceptable, or had a stigma to them and find compassion and acceptance.

Jupiter is also a ruler of travel. When in retrograde, travel plans are often adversely affected. Even the best well laid plans can fall apart. Luggage can be lost, means of transportation can develop mechanical problems and reservations can be mixed up or canceled.
When in retrograde, logic falls to the wayside. People gain an increased interest in intuition or esoteric matters. Dreams and psychic abilities find new followers, as people beginning to analyze their inner natures. New outlets of communications come to the surface as artistic abilities get expressed.

Neptune is also the ruler over bacteria, viruses and the immune system. So when it goes retrograde, allergies may kick up or worsen. In addition, children who are given vaccinations during this time, can develop stronger reactions to the drugs. Many people will suffer with an over-sensitive immune system and can develop more serious diseases.
Pluto's retrograde brings change, with fresh starts and dead ends. During this period, things we hang onto the most can suddenly be taken away causing us to reevaluate what we value most. Change can occur through destruction and rebuilding or rejuvenation and regeneration. Outside forces are at work as well, including government upheaval, weapons and war. Change can often be difficult, and sometimes being forced into change is the only way to push some people forward in life.
Uranus in retrograde, suggests you expect the unexpected. Surprises come out of no where. This can be wonderful or undesirable, depending on the situation. Uranus is the odd ball of the planets in our solar system. It can bring whims of fancy that amaze and amuse. Or it can come with chaos either externally in the world or internally to the individual.

At this time, some people might find their wilder side coming to the surface, or the outgoing person can become uncharacteristically shy. Extreme variations or opposites in your personality are not uncommon and you'll find yourself behaving very differently than other people perceive you.
A Venus retrograde focuses on romantic relationships and intimate emotions. Suppressed feelings may come to the surface and you might find new ways to expressing them. People may reevaluate what they want, from life and from those around them. And during this retrograde, they may also seek these new desires elsewhere. Even individual value systems can come into question. What we valued most may seem unimportant, or what we disagreed with before can some how not seem so bad or different. We may find ourselves re-evaluating the meaning of personal views, such as friendship, love, intimacy or even spiritual beliefs.


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