I drawz good!

Mar 27, 2007 22:34

What does your drawing say about YOU?
The results of your analysis say:

You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn't actually dishearten you all that much.
You have a peaceful mind, viewing the world with calm and serenity. To you, life is not about struggle and strife but about existence and co-existence.
You are creative, mentally active and industrious.
You have a sunny, cheerful disposition.

It looked amusing enough to take, but damn was it hard to draw, even with my pen and tablet, it wasn't reading my pen right. Not sure I agree fully with what it sez, but hey whatever.

P.s this yellow bee spooge can go away now... is it just me or does it get worse every year? Or is it just with age I become more sensitive? Either way bleh, my front porch is yellow as are the cars, and every time I go outside I get assaulted with stabby pains in my head. I don't like the stabby throb throb in my head..:(

draw, psych, meme

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