Paint it black...

May 26, 2006 03:33

Some quickie doodles I did in just sumi ink in the last few hours..

Getting my speed back and groove I guess as it were..
But actualy pretty happy with them.. getting my confidence back slowly but surely. I still have ways to go to where I want or invision to be, but I'm feeling a lil more confident and better about my abilities and what I've been creating as it progresses. I am starting to see the progression and change in how my lines, style and other things are getting, as well as my speed, and how I'm needing less visual reference and more relying on memory and days of drawing/sketching routine.. Still have ways to go...

"Industrialism"-Original Version


Industrialism-alt Version (color toned in CS)
I can't decide if I like this version better then the original or not or which one looks better?

"Smokin Diva"


Ok beddy bye... hopefully tomorrow me and my mum will have the ebay frustrations and issue sorted out..

sumi, drawings, art

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