Question/Complaint/Comment depends on perspective

May 09, 2005 21:46

If you guys want people to take you seriously, I mean with the whole celebrity blogging thing, then you're going to have to allow for the fact that one of the MAIN, DESCRIPTIVE features of a blog is that people are able to comment on it.

You guys must know what people are saying about this idea. If not you can read it on Don't give people reason to talk by introducing hierarchy into the 'blogshpere' - the big hooplas speak and us nobodies listen to it all quietly, meekly, gratefully.

You've brought celebrities to opine on culture and politics. Please understand that every available sense we have is already being oppressed by celebrities from the A-Z list. Noone really needs or wants or ethically should have more of the same here, this little internet space we've carved out to give ourselves a voice and a face.

So, I'm not going to do as other have done and knock this project before it's even started. But I am going to give you some much needed advice, that you really really should take, in the form of all that I've written already.

Don't try to leave the blogging community in a little box you'd like them to fit into. i.e. the one people are in in mainstream society. They will protect their right not to be in that place and to you, this will look like mockery and humiliation.

Do something different ... and we'll listen.

Incase you deem this email worthy of any kind of reply, which is unlikely, as if you were interested in people saying things other than what is beneficial for you to have them say, you would have comments on ALL sections of H.P. But incase, and because I respect the rules of blogging, which frowns on anonymity when posting something like this, I will include my email address: LadyD2k at, name: Davinia Douglas, occupation: BA student at SOAS, blog: coming soon over summer, and I would invite you to take the plunge and let this be the first non-celebrity post on a forum where non-celebrities and celebrities can discuss news and politics like the common human beings we all claim to be. Go on, I dare you.


Just a thought on sent to those responsible. You can read any comments on
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