Dec 12, 2003 08:39
Holy Craptasticalness, Batman! 'Tis a post! So ... what's cookin'? I've dissapeared of the face of the earth. That's right. Ragnorok has begun. Last night they had this bitchin' Hercules episode that 'twas a two part saga about Vikings. I'm going to order those. I hate Hercules, especially in these episodes because he judges the Vikings and their culture without consideration of the reality that his world 'tis not in their realm. Fucker, suck my cock. Well, my scandalous life of hooligism 'tis wrought with a hazy shade of winter. And Micah, I'm sorry I haven't called. When I got back from Louisiana 'twas Sunday and too late to do anything. From then on I've been working out this whole "we're a private school so we're going to change your graduation plan so that you have to stay for yet another semester that you don't deserve to go through, so that we can get five months more of tuition." I've worked it out so that I have two classes, back to back and on the same day, so I'm only there three days a week, three hours at a time. w00t. Oh, the joy. Oh, the rapture. But, we're taking the annual Lord of the Rings field trip Wednesday. Deerbrook. 10:30 a.m.. ::HinTHinTNudgENudgEWinKWinK:: Yeah ... 18 ... two months. I'm most likely taking a gaggle of ghouls to me lakehouse o'er younder in Louisiana. 'Twill be a Hoe down! H00T NANNIE! HOE DOWN!! H00T NANNIE!! H0E D0WN!!! H00T NANNIE!!! Oh, the legalness. Fagerettes, P0rn, and Cerfew ... oh my! Slainte.