Random first blog!

Oct 03, 2010 11:30

So, I was talking to silverzephyr13 and I remembered about this survey I posted on Facebook! It's pretty much a survey that lets you choose certain people then it asks questions relating to what would happen if you all lived in the same house. It was pretty interesting XD I got the survey from Gina first, so I'll post her answers first! I'll erase some of them, though, because it's a long survey.

Pick 10 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4).


These 10 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms, who would be in each room

-room 1 - Me, Lizette
-room 2 - Felicia, Dorothy, Mariah
-room 3 - Jessica, Janet, Deborah
-room 4 - Blaise, Kyle

^lmao, how sad!! i have to separate liz and i from everyone else cuz we can talk for hooooours..and cuz liz is a danger to everyone if she gets hyper at night XDD

Family picture, whose where doing what?
liz is probably hiding her face, janet, deborah and i are doing the classic anime peace sign thing, while everyone else is..relatively normal? XD except..maybe kyle and dorothy would do some crazy pose.

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
i would take it from..i wouldn't take it from anybody! >__< not without asking..except, maybe form liz :P

If two people were caught making out in a closet who would it be?
ummm..oh wow, i don't know. there aren't exactly many possibilites, unless..nevermind lmao XD

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
LIZ, so she would be forced to stand there and watch XDD and then she'd be like, "dude, hurry up!!" and i'd go slower >:D
(..i love chuuu :D)

Theres a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?
b)and who is the one to jump is someones arms?
c)Who would be the one to kill it?
a) liz, felicia, or dorothy
b) ..no one? XD
c) kyle would try lmao

Someones crying, who is it and what happened?
..uhhh..me, cuz they..cancelled bleach? idk XD

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
liz lmao
jk, jk, she's a good cook. i just like blaming her for stuff >:P

Someones tanning on the roof who is it?
liz or jessica..?

Who is the clown?
dorothy..or felicia? or liz, when she's hyper XD

Who is the most respectful?
we are all quite respectful :D

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
lmao, liz. just cuz..we talk a lot. like, in unimaginable proportions. i mean, we talk about HOW WE TALK A LOT. you can't really get any worse than that XD

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?
i....don't know XD

Okay, well now here are some of my answers! :D

Pick 10 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4).

1- Gina
2- Marly
3- Karen
4- Me [:
5- Breanna
6- Patty!
7- My wife [:
8- Jessie
9- Jazmin
10- Jose

These 10 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms, who would be in each room

-room 1 - Me, Gina, Marly!
-room 2 - Jose and Patty
-room 3 - Karen and Bre
-room 4 - Blanca, Jessie, and Jazmin

Family picture, whose where doing what?
Umm, Gina would be doing a peace sign lol and Marly would smile just like me, and idk Karen and Bre would be smiling normal I think, and Jose would be doing something weird lol and yeah I think everyone else would be normal lol

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
umm idk jessie maybe? lol or me haha

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
lol I'd have my own stash :p but probably marly or gina lol

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
Gina! only cuz I'd watch her brush her teeth so she'd like watch me just to bug me and hurry me just for payback lol

Theres a marathon of your favorite tv show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
GILMORE GIRLS! and idk i think i'd be a loner on that one lol

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
Me [: lol

Someones tanning on the roof who is it?
me and marly lol

Who is the most respectful?
gina probably lol

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
Gina! Cuz we're weird...like...yeahhhh and Marly too [:

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?
idk i think everyone does lol

Okay, so I edited a lot of mine because pretty much, it was kind of boring XD But, it gave me an idea to refill the survey with like, all of us! So, here it goes lol

Pick 10 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4). And since we don't have 10 people in our group, I'll use Simoun characters!

1- Gina
2- Rachel
3- Kristen
4- Me
5-  Nathan
6- Emma
7- Raansu
8- Neviril
9-  Aaeru
10- Mamiina (just cuz she'd be interesting to add XD)

These 10 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms, who would be in each room

-room 1 - Gina and Me
-room 2 -  Rachel, Kristen, and Emma
-room 3 -  Nathan and Raansu
-room 4 - Neviril, Aaeru, and Mamiina

Family picture, whose where doing what?
Gina is smiling, or would still do a peace sign. I would...smile? lol along with Emma and Raansu. Rachel and Kristen would do a funny face, Nathan I'm not too sure of, Neviri and Aaeru would be smiling and hugging, and Mamiina...um no idea XD

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
Me! or Kristen! lol

If someone was considered the dad and the mom of the house, who would it be?
Hmm...Kristen, will you be our mommy? lol and I think Rachel would just be another adult figure in the house

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from? 
Probably Gina or Rachel lol or Emma

If two people were caught making out in a closet who would it be? 
...no comment XD

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
My answer still stands as Gina, although I think Emma or Kristen would too some mornings...and Rachel might I suppose too XD

There was two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
Aaeru and Rachel because they're bffs

Who would hate being in the house the most ?
Raansu and Neviril? lol

Someone took a (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
Kristen, but I think it'd be some kind of weird joke. I have a feeling they'd be Nathans, don't ask why!

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it? 
lol no idea XD

If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing? 
Rachel with whoever was attacking Aaeru cuz of course, she must defend her, anddd maybe Kristen and me over the remote lol

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn’t in the house with them?

You walked down stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thong, who is the crazy one? 
Raansu, clearly. Or Emma because she's SO hardcore!

A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
everyone can easily be guilty of that

Theres a marathon of your favorite tv show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS!!! I hope everyone would watch!

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
again, we all could easily be guilty of that. but, I think Emma and I would be the ones in there the most XD WE'D BE COLORING!!

There’s a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who
are the pranksters?
Nathan because we wouldn't see it coming. Or Rachel

The musics too loud, who turned it up?

Theres a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?
b)and who is the one to jump is someones arms?
c)Who would be the one to kill it?
a) Nathan
b)  Nathan
c) Mamiina

Someones crying, who is it and what happened?
Mamiina because we didn't like her stew

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
Emma XP

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house? 
I'm not sure...

Someones tanning on the roof who is it? 
well, clearly me lol

Who is the tallest in the house? 

Who is the shortest in the house?

Who is the loudest? 
we're all pretty loud XD

Who is the clown? 

Who is the most respectful? 
Mamiina. lol

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
Gina cuz we always have never-ending conversations XD But I'd talk to everyone a lot, we're all super cool :3

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas? 
I'd think me and Kristen could come up with some random crap

Who's in bed first?
Hmm...Emma lol

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
Mamiina or Emma

Who is always dancing? 
Not sure lol

Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them and who is it? 
NATHAN  HOW DARE YOU :p nah, I wouldn't be mad

You split ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one to slip on it first?
Hmm...sorry Em, I think it'd be you XD
So, anyone is welcome to repost this with their take on how it'd be to all live together lol buttt yeah, first blog, success or no? Well, I tried! XD
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