Jun 28, 2006 07:41
Sunday June 25th was a beautiful day for a race! Mingo Women & Friends had 7 participants and a cheerleader (my dad). Five adults, two children in strollers (Teagan & my client Adaja) walked 5K in 1hr 7 minutes. Teagan even ran the last 150ft or so. :) With her sunglasses on, everyone cheering and her chanting "Tea-gan" as she went, it was a precious moment. :) We raised $1305 for ACC, not including 3 sponsored registrations. So not too shabby! Not too shabby! :)
Thanks to everyone that supported us this year. Next year's race will be on Sunday, June 24th. Same place, same time I suppose. I hope to start raising money sooner and maybe we'll make it over $1500 next year!
From the ACC race website:
Here's why we need your support:
$25 provides fishing supplies for 1 week
$100 buys art supplies for 1 week of camp
$50 supplies s'mores for 60 campers
$160 provides 1 week of day camp for a camper
$75 buys hay for the horses for 1 month
$525 gives a camper one week of overnight camp
$1,000 sponsors a cabin for the entire summer
YOU make a difference….